The most expensive substance or the most expensive thing on the planet
The most expensive substance or the most expensive thing on the planet 1-215
The second most expensive thing on the planet is califonium
The prevailing belief among many people was that gold or diamonds are the most expensive thing on the planet, as they are the most popular and used, especially gold, but in fact, this is not true at all. It is one of the rarest and most expensive materials on the planet, but rather it is the second most expensive substance on the surface of the earth after antimatter, which is the substance "califonium".
There are many expensive things in the world, and there are some things that are not subject to pricing, bearing the phrase "priceless", and in an interesting list of a number of precious and very expensive materials, we find a monitoring of the most expensive materials in the world, and they include energy sources, precious metals and types of materials narcotic.
The reasons for the high prices of these materials are due to several things, on top of which is the lack of supply of these materials around the world compared to the demand for them, or because of their scarcity or difficulty in producing them or even preventing their trade and circulation in many countries.
The most expensive materials in the world or the most expensive thing on the planet:
In the first place comes antimatter
The most expensive substance or the most expensive thing on the planet 1-862
Antimatter is the most precious thing on Earth
Antimatter is the most expensive thing or substance on the planet, due to the scarcity of materials that make up antimatter and its imaginary cost, as the formation of antimatter requires positron interference, which costs about $25 billion per gram and antihydrogen, which costs about $62 trillion per gram. The high cost of producing antimatter to the interference of positron and anti-hydrogen and their cost is very imaginary, and the production of very small quantities of antimatter requires very advanced equipment such as those in European research organizations. One of its most prominent and most famous uses is medical tomography.
Coming in second place is Californium
Califonium is considered one of the most expensive things on the planet, and the price per gram of this substance is 27 million dollars. The story of this strange element began in 1952 after searching in the wreckage of the first hydrogen bomb that was detonated by the United States in the Anotik Islands group in the Pacific Ocean, where the two American scientists ( Cunningham and Asprey) working for the US Atomic Energy Agency discovered element 252 in the periodic table called "califunium", where the two scientists were able to manufacture this source in special nuclear reactors in very small quantities.
The most expensive substance or the most expensive thing on the planet 1--385
Califonium is the second most expensive substance on Earth
The element "califunium 252" is considered one of the most accurate, abundant and most expensive elements after antimatter, so that it does not produce more than 0.2 grams of it annually, a small amount, but it has countless advantages and benefits.
The great advantage of these minute neutrons is that they contain the same properties as the neutrons generated from the atomic reactor, so a gram of them is considered a very precise and small atomic reactor, and its benefit is indescribable compared to its cost, no matter how expensive it is compared to other conventional reactors, and califonium is one of the most toxic materials.
The third most expensive and expensive material on the planet is diamonds
The most expensive substance or the most expensive thing on the planet 1--386
Diamond is the third most expensive substance on the planet
Diamond is one of the most precious and well-known minerals, and it is the third most expensive thing in the world after antimatter and califonium. The price of a good diamond carat is about $55,000. Diamond is used in many industries, the most famous of which is the manufacture of jewelry and accessories. Diamond is also used in the manufacture of giant excavator heads due to its great hardness.
Fourth place is Tritium:
The most expensive substance or the most expensive thing on the planet 1---183
Tritium is the fourth most expensive thing in the world
Tritium comes fourth as one of the most expensive materials on the planet and the highest in price. Tritium is a radioactive element used in the extraction of atomic energy. Tritium is also used to launch and ignite the detonating sequence in the hydrogen bomb, while the price of one gram of tritium reaches 30 thousand US dollars.
The fifth place in the list of the most expensive and expensive things on the planet is tuff stone
The most expensive substance or the most expensive thing on the planet 1---184
Taffy stone is one of the most precious gems in the world and one of the most precious things on the planet
Taffite stone is considered one of the most expensive things in the world, due to the scarcity of the stone, and it is one of the precious stones, and it is used so far in a rare and valuable way as jewelry. The price of one gram of Taffite stone is about $20,000, and there is another stone called pianite, which is also a very rare gemstone. It is like a taffy stone, but the price per gram is approximately $9,000.

Source: websites