The most expensive substance or thing on planet Earth
The most expensive substance or thing on planet Earth 1----286
The prevailing belief among many people was that gold or diamonds are the most expensive thing on the planet Earth, as they are the most popular and used, especially gold, but in reality, this is not true at all, as there are materials whose prices are hundreds of times higher than the price of gold and diamonds, and this is what we will try to clarify today about One of the rarest and most expensive substances on the planet Earth. In fact, it is the second most expensive substance on the surface of the Earth after antimatter, which is califonium.
The second most expensive thing on planet Earth is califonium
There are many expensive things in the world, and there are some things that are not subject to pricing, carrying the phrase “priceless,” and in an interesting list of a number of very precious and expensive materials, we find a list of the most expensive materials in the world, and they include sources of energy, precious metals, and types of materials. Narcotic.
The reasons for the high prices of these materials are due to several things, the most important of which is the limited supply of these materials around the world compared to the demand for them, or because of their scarcity or the difficulty of producing them, or even preventing their trade and circulation in many countries.
The most expensive materials in the world or the most expensive thing on planet Earth:
Antimatter comes first
The most expensive substance or thing on planet Earth 1----920
Antimatter is the most expensive thing on planet Earth
Antimatter is considered the most expensive thing or the most expensive substance on the planet Earth, due to the scarcity of the materials that make up antimatter and its astronomical cost. The formation of antimatter requires the interference of positrons, which cost about 25 billion dollars per gram, and antihydrogen, which costs about 62 trillion dollars per gram. The high cost of producing antimatter, including the interference of positrons and antihydrogen, is extremely high, and the production of very small quantities of antimatter requires very advanced equipment, such as those found in European research organizations. One of its most prominent and famous uses is medical computed tomography.
Californium comes in second place
Califonium is considered one of the most expensive things on the planet Earth, and the price of one gram of this substance amounts to 27 million dollars. The story of this strange element began in 1952 after researching the debris of the first hydrogen bomb that was detonated by the United States in the Anotic Islands group in the Pacific Ocean, where the two American scientists were able to ( Cunningham and Spray, working at the US Atomic Energy Commission, discovered element 252 in the periodic table, called "califonium." The two scientists were able to manufacture this source in special nuclear reactors in very small quantities.
The most expensive substance or thing on planet Earth 1----921
Califonium is the second most expensive substance on Earth
The element "Califonium 252" is one of the most accurate, most abundant, and most expensive elements after antimatter, so that no more than 0.2 grams of it are produced annually, a small amount, but it has countless advantages and benefits.
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The great advantage of these tiny neutrons is that they have the same properties as the neutrons generated by an atomic reactor, so a gram of them is considered an extremely precise and small atomic reactor, and its benefit is indescribable compared to its cost, no matter how expensive it is compared to other traditional reactors, and califonium is one of the most toxic substances.
The third most expensive and most expensive material on the planet Earth is diamonds
The most expensive substance or thing on planet Earth 1----922
Diamonds are the third most expensive material on planet Earth
Diamonds are considered one of the most famous and precious metals and are the third most expensive thing in the world after antimatter and califonium. The price of a good diamond earring is about 55 thousand dollars. Diamonds are used in many industries, the most famous of which is the manufacture of jewelry and accessories. Diamonds are also used in the manufacture of giant excavator heads due to their great hardness.
Fourth place: Tritium:
The most expensive substance or thing on planet Earth 1----923
Tritium is the fourth most expensive thing in the world
Tritium comes fourth as one of the most expensive and highest-priced materials on the planet Earth. Tritium is a radioactive element used in extracting atomic energy. Tritium is also used in launching and igniting the explosive sequence in a hydrogen bomb, while the price of one gram of tritium reaches 30,000 US dollars.
Fifth place on the list of the most precious and expensive things on the planet Earth is the taphite stone
The most expensive substance or thing on planet Earth 1----924
Taaffeite stone is one of the most expensive gemstones in the world and one of the most expensive things on planet Earth
The taffy stone is considered one of the most expensive things in the world due to the rarity of the stone. It is one of the precious stones and is used until now in a rare and valuable form as jewelry. The price of one gram of the taffeta stone is about 20 thousand dollars. There is another stone called the beanite stone, which is also an extremely rare gemstone. It is similar to the taaffeite stone, but the price of one gram is approximately 9,000 US dollars.

Source: websites