The most expensive book in history, the most expensive printed book in the world
The most expensive book in history, the most expensive printed book in the world 13-161
In a previous topic, we discussed an article entitled The Most Dangerous Books in the World , and the topic was received with great interaction because everyone knows that reading enlightens minds, enhances thinking skills, strengthens memory, and relieves stress. Reading books always provides something useful and valuable to the reader, but what was strange about the matter was that there were actually books that were considered... It is dangerous and contains within its pages what may destroy the life of the reader, cause harm to him and those around him, and be a cause of the destruction of their lives.
Today we wanted to add an article entitled The Most Expensive Books in the World. There is no doubt that books and the valuable and useful content they contain are priceless, but if we want to know the most expensive books in the world or the most expensive book in history through the material value for which the book was sold relative to its scarcity. The book and its limited supply, in addition to the original content provided by the book, included the following:
The most expensive book in history, the most expensive printed book in the world 13-265
The most expensive books in history
The most expensive book in history:
There are tens of millions of books printed annually or even daily that can be purchased at modest prices, but there is another group of books that are considered the rarest books in the world and therefore these are the books that are considered the most expensive in history. Forbes magazine recently published a list of the most expensive books that have been sold in the world. .
Codex Leicester by Leonardo da Vinci:
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Da Vinci's Codex Leicester is the most expensive book in history
The Codex Leicester book, or the Leicester manuscript, is considered to be the Italian scientist, artist, and architect Leonardo da Vinci 1506-1510. The Leicester manuscript was written by the international artist Leonardo da Vinci in his own handwriting in the Italian language. The book or manuscript, the Codex Leicester, consists of 72 pages. The manuscript includes Da Vinci’s ideas about astronomy and rocks, as Da Vinci documented the relationship in it. Between art and science, in which Da Vinci wrote his manuscript in the reverse way, where the manuscript was written in the mirror method from right to left.
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One of the pages of the most expensive Da Vinci manuscript in the world
The most expensive manuscript in the world or the most expensive book in history was sold for the first time to the first Count of Leicester, Thomas Cook, who called it the Leicester Manuscripts. In 1994, it was sold to the famous billionaire Bill Gates for an amount approaching 50 million dollars. Thus, the Da Vinci Codex of Leicester is the manuscript or book. It is considered the most expensive book sold in history so far.
The gospel Henry the lion:
Gospels of henry the lion The manuscript of Henry the Lion contains 266 pages written by one of the German princes, Henry or Heinzpitz, who is one of the most powerful princes of Germany. The importance of this manuscript is due to the fact that Henry collected and documented through it a collection of supplications and prayers collected by the monks over hundreds of years, and for this reason Christians consider it A great religious revolution.
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Henry the lion Gospels
The manuscript or book The Gospels by the German Prince Henry is one of the most expensive books in the world. The manuscript was sold to the German government in 1983 for $28 million.
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, or Magna Carta, was published for the first time in 1215. The book is considered one of the most expensive books in the world. It is a handwritten document in which the book describes the Great Charter of Liberties in England. The book also defines the king’s powers and powers. It is one of the rare books in that it Only 17 copies remain, and American billionaire David Rubinstein obtained a copy of those copies signed by King Edward I for $24.5 million, as one of the most expensive books in history.
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Magna Carta is one of the most expensive books in history
Saint Cuthbert Gospel:
The Book of Saint Cuthbert is one of the oldest and most expensive books in history. It is an old copy of the Bible written in Latin and dates back to the seventh century. It was purchased by the British Library for $15 million in 2011 AD.
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Book of the Gospel of Saint Cuthbert
5bay psalm Marmouz Gulf book:
In fifth place comes the book Psalm of the Gulf, which was sold at the Sotheby's auction for $14.2 million. Although this book occupied number five in the list of the most expensive books in history, it occupied first place in the list of the most expensive printed books in the world, as the manuscript books that preceded it All are handwritten, while the Gulf Psalm is considered the most expensive printed book.
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The Gulf Psalm Book is one of the most expensive books in the world and the most expensive printed book in the world
The Gulf Psalm was written in 1640 AD. It is an accurate translation from Hebrew to English of a collection of Jewish psalms and hymns. The book was printed for the first time in Cambridge. Sotheby’s offered the book at auction for $14.2 million and it was sold to billionaire David Rubinstein, who also acquired the document book. Great as we mentioned high.
The birds of America book:
The book Birds of America is considered one of the most expensive books in the world. The book is also one of the unique books, as the book contains drawings of American birds in their natural sizes, so it is a book that is yet larger and more massive than what was previously on the list of the most expensive books in the world.
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The birds of America, one of the most expensive books in history
The Book of Birds of America by the American painter John James, who collected these paintings in the book The Birds of America. The book was sold in 2010 to British businessman Michael Tullimache for $12.6 million.
The Constitution of the United States of America by George Washington:
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The American Constitution by George Washington
The book The Constitution of the United States of America is considered one of the most expensive books in the world. The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association purchased the book in 2012 for $10.2 million and then gifted it to the White House. The book included the Constitution of the United States of President George Washington in his handwriting and another set of laws that Regulates freedoms.
Book of Comedies, History, and Diamonds by William Shakespeare:
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William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare's book became one of the most expensive books in the world when a businessman bought it for $8.2 million. Shakespeare's book included 36 poetic plays ranging from tragedy, comedy, and drama. The book was compiled and published for the first time in 1623.
Book of the Dead:
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Book of the Dead
The Book of the Dead , or the Book of Exodus by Day, is one of the ancient and very rare Egyptian Pharaonic books that was sold at the Monti auction in Monaco for 1.35 million euros. The Book of Exit by Day is one of the rarest Pharaonic books. The book included a group of papyri, documents, and funerary texts that were placed next to the deceased. In the coffin to help him live in the afterlife and to help him, by reading and memorizing it, overcome the dangers to which he may be exposed.

Source: websites