EU and human rights in Algeria. Ayatollahs offer reprieve to Algiers
EU and human rights in Algeria. Ayatollahs offer reprieve to Algiers 1-469
It was on April 20 that the European Union was to adopt an emergency resolution on the deterioration of human rights in Algeria. The arrest and five-year prison sentence of journalist El Kadi Ihsane and the closure of the two media outlets he had founded (Radio M and Maghreb Émergent) precipitated a decision that should, in any case, have to take place, with regard to of what several European parliamentarians call " an Algerian democratic winter ". This emergency resolution is called “Freedom of the media and freedom of expression, the case of journalist Ihsane El Kadi”.

On the web, trolls denounce " interference in the internal affairs of the country and an attack on national sovereignty ".
We have just learned that European parliamentarians consider that the situation prevailing in Iran, where women have been defying the Ayatollahs' regime for several months by coming out uncovered, is more urgent than the abuses suffered by Algerians.
As a result, the report on Algeria is postponed until May.

The European Parliament had already had to think about the democratic regression which has spared no sector since the arrival of Abdelmadjid Tebboune in power in December 2020. Indeed, associations such as literary cafés and even political parties in the Like the MDS have been dissolved, demonstrations are banned, the press is muzzled and arbitrary arrests are regular.

As a reminder, the Algerian head of state is preparing to begin a state visit to France from May 2. This trip follows a diplomatic crisis between Algiers and Paris caused by the illegal exit from Algerian territory of the activist Amira Bouraoui. An exit that the Algerian authorities had described as barbouzerie from the Quai d'Orsay and that the official press agency, APS had assimilated to a replica of the "Bay of pigs" operation. »

Source : websites