Myth or reality? Eating carrots improves eyesight
Myth or reality? Eating carrots improves eyesight 11806
We have all heard the famous saying “eating carrots improves eyesight and helps people see better in the dark”. But is this saying scientifically proven? To know the answer, and to know the truth, continue reading this article.
The link between islands and good looks dates back to World War II. Even today, doctors prescribe eating yellow and orange fruits for preservation as a stimulant for eye health. In fact, carrots are rich in nutrients that have been shown to be beneficial for the eyes and help maintain eye health.
?Where did the belief that carrots improve eyesight come from
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The idea that carrots are a magical ingredient that improves eyesight arose during World War II. In those times, the living condition was very difficult, and most of Europe was struggling with food shortages. In a propaganda campaign, the UK government claimed that consuming carrots would improve vision in the dark, which was particularly important as the Germans were frequently bombing Britain, causing blackouts across the city. Since grains and meat were not available, people were advised to grow and consume vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. Over time, the theory that carrots improve eyesight grew.
What is the cause of poor eyesight?
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There are many causes of poor eyesight. Some are congenital, hereditary, or related to injuries and malnutrition. The most common cause of vision impairment is refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hypermetropia). These disorders often develop at an early age and are often hereditary. Some children experience these vision problems during puberty as the shape of the eyes changes, while others continue to suffer from them throughout their lives. Other eye disorders such as glaucoma and cataracts are largely related to age and are bound to occur in most people. Diabetes, astigmatism, and dry eyes are also major causes of poor eyesight in people.
Scientifically, is there a link between eating carrots and improving eyesight?
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Scientifically, there is no significant relationship between eating carrots and improving eyesight. It is certain that carrots are rich in vitamin A and antioxidants that prevent eye diseases and maintain general health, but vegetables do not have the ability to perform such a miracle of vision. You can eat a huge amount of carrots, but it will not have any effect on your eyesight if you already suffer from diseases such as glaucoma, myopia or diabetes. The only eye problem that carrots will improve is night blindness. Even so, green vegetables and sweet potatoes contain more beta-carotene, dairy products, and vitamin A than carrots.

In summary, carrots are a highly nutritious vegetable that offers many health benefits to people. However, improving eyesight is not one of them. Carrots are undoubtedly good for the eyes, as they are rich in nutrients that promote eye health and prevent diseases, but this fact has nothing to do with improving eyesight or treating diseases. So the saying “eating carrots improves eyesight” is a myth!

Source: websites