Benefits of carrots for the body.. Cancer prevention and heart protection
Benefits of carrots for the body.. Cancer prevention and heart protection 1574
Benefits of carrots for the body
Carrots are very beneficial vegetables for health as they are a good source of many nutrients, and through the following report we look at the benefits of carrots for health.
Carrots contain many unique nutrients that benefit the body and protect it from diseases, in addition to its ability to help lose weight and improve hair health. Here are more about the best benefits of carrots.
Benefits of carrots for the body
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Protecting the eyes from diseases
Carrots help maintain healthy eyes and strengthen eyesight, thanks to antioxidants, especially beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A, which reduces cataracts.
It also contains lutein, which helps prevent age-related macular degeneration.
Cancer prevention
The antioxidants found in carrots, including carotenoids and anthocyanins, can fight free radicals that affect the body's immunity and cause cancer.
Protect the heart
Carrots are rich in heart-healthy potassium, which maintains blood pressure at normal levels, in addition to containing fibers that help maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the chances of heart disease.
Boost immunity
Vitamin C in carrots helps to boost immunity and promote the building of antibodies that play a role in protecting the immune system from exposure to free radicals that cause diseases.
The benefits of carrots for the colon
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Carrots help reduce constipation and diarrhea, because it contains healthy fibers.
- Reducing abdominal gases and bloating that cause pain.
Carrots contain pectin, which activates the functions of the digestive system, which reduces the feeling of Irritable Bowel Syndrome .
Benefits of carrots for weight loss
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Carrots are low in calories, as a cup of carrots contains only 50 calories, and is therefore beneficial for those on a weight loss diet.
Carrots contain a high percentage of vitamin A, which has a role in reducing the storage of fat in the body, especially in the abdominal area.
The dietary fiber found in carrots can help you feel full, and thus lose weight quickly.
Benefits of carrots for men
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According to studies mentioned by webmd, carrots help improve reproductive health in men, because it contains carotenoids that play a role in that.
Reducing the risk of prostate cancer thanks to antioxidants.
Benefits of carrots for hair
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Eating carrots or using carrot oil is important in benefiting and caring for hair, as it stimulates hair growth and increases its density and strength, as it contains vitamin A, which is important for hair.
- Protect against hair loss, increase its length, and make hair more shiny, because it contains many vitamins and minerals found in carrots.
Benefits of boiled carrots
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Boiled carrots retain the nutrients that are found in them compared to other types of vegetables, which makes them give the same benefits as raw carrots, and this is because a cup of boiled carrots contains:
4.7 grams of fiber.
31 grams of dietary fat.
28 grams of fat.
55 calories.
Low amount of protein and carbohydrates.
47 mg of calcium.
367 mg of potassium.
90 mg of sodium.
1329 mcg of vitamin A.
1072 mcg of lutein.

Source : websites