The most misleading concepts of the modern era
The most misleading concepts of the modern era 1-1145
“Here is the theater of life.. puppets with crowns on their heads and medals on their shoulders move them behind the scenes. Professionals in the game of values... twist concepts with threads of falsehood. Some heroes of the revolution, and many, many artists.These people do nothing but fraud..they create satanic concepts to be soldiers for them..they invade...
The article featured the most misleading concepts in the media of all kinds to serve the interests of the Arab regime, the school curricula, and the Baathist, Salafi, and Badisi movements.
The most misleading concepts of the modern era 11833
Our cause is just, and we are the ones who will save our people from linguistic and identity genocide, which is more dangerous than physical genocide, and we will reveal to them their scandals and lies with conclusive evidence and scientific arguments.
And all this is thanks to the mind with which God Almighty distinguished us from animals so that we do not walk like a herd leading us
Unscrupulous politicians and ignorant sheikhs who do not keep up with their times.
... Let us cling more to our identity, our land, and our culture.. and the sacrifice continues.. for his sake forever and ever

Source: websites