5basic qualities in men that modern women adore
5basic qualities in men that modern women adore 11085
The most important qualities of a man that will make a woman fall in love with him
If there's one thing that confuses men about women, it's the perception of softer sex for men. Historical fiction and other primitive works of literature will attest to the fact that women's minds are complex (and often strange!), bewildering men of antiquity. It is this mysterious nature of women that confuses and attracts men. This is also due to the interesting nature of women, as no man has yet been able to know what a woman wants in the man of her choice. A man's requirements in this aspect are very simple in comparison. The average man wants his girlfriend to be mature, sensible, and attractive.
While the general belief is that all a girl wants in a life partner is a sound financial background (indicating stability) and a promising career, it can be said that this is a superficial and simplistic assessment. If we delve deeper into the female mind, we will realize that the girl would rather have other positive qualities in her lover than be a millionaire who lacks these qualities.
That's why we researched the matter a lot to prepare for you a list, according to relationship experts, of the most important qualities of a man that will make a woman fall in love with him

Be completely honest, no matter the circumstances.
Women generally have an intuitive ability to know when the man they love is lying to them. The most important factors on which a relationship is built are trust and understanding, and without these factors, the relationship is doomed to failure. A woman would rather hear the ugly truth from her lover than a sugarcoated lie.
A guy should never shower a girl with false praise - instead, a girl will appreciate it if he talks about her flaws in an honest, soft, and kind way without hurting her feelings. This results in a more honest and open relationship, as the girl will feel comfortable knowing that the man she loves has accepted all her flaws and still loves her despite it.
Don't make false promises – Not only is this blatantly dishonest, it also speaks volumes about the character of the man. The most surprising thing about such a scenario is that a woman finds it very easy to understand when a man gives her false hopes. Women actually tend to honor a man when he is honest and clear about his intentions, and won't mind it as much as she would if she was lied to about said motives.
I get the key to turning her frown upside down
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It is a woman's nature to make a lot of noise about nothing and get upset over the smallest issues. A girl tends to worry about herself when something goes wrong, or even if there is a slight chance of something going wrong. Since she is emotionally attached to the man she loves, she will undoubtedly turn to him for support and comfort. This is your signal to make her smile and remove her worries. It is often overlooked that it is a man's sense of humor that attracts a girl the most. Most of the time, all it takes is a witty guy joke to win a girl over. This not only keeps her in a good mood, but makes her feel like she is with the right man.
However, keep in mind that humor should not be confused with vulgar, immature or inappropriate jokes. Instead, if he lets her see his sweet, loving and boyish side, the lady will definitely be attracted towards him.
Be her knight in shining armor
Despite all the talk we have today about modern women being independent and secure in every way, deep down, all women are searching for a partner they can rely on without hesitation. No woman will deny her need for a man who will protect her in adverse situations. This doesn't mean that he should be able to fight goons like in the movies, for example, but all he needs to do is provide her with the mental security that will make her feel safe and secure.
A man just needs to make her feel appreciated. Simple things like offering to drive her home if she's coming back late from work, or gently intervening when someone keeps her down, all go a long way in providing the emotional foundation she craves.
Know how to have an intelligent conversation
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Another inherent trait of a woman is her respect and adoration for men who are her intellectual equals or for someone she can learn from. Although a girl does not like to feel inferior to her partner in any way, she appreciates it when her partner is smart, capable, and independent.
He must be smart enough to help her make important decisions. The girl loves to take meaningful advice from her partner, and this can only happen if they are on the same intellectual level. Conversations are bound to die or become boring if the people involved are not well-informed or share similar interests. Therefore, a girl will find it exciting and attractive if the man she loves is as cultured and educated as she is, if not more.
5. Know when to give her space
For a woman, the ideal man is the one who gives her all the space when she needs it, and refrains from clinginess and despair. A girl goes through stages in her life where she wants to be left alone. During these times, she will hate it if her partner starts getting clingy or constantly asking her to pour her heart out to him. The key is for the man to be secure and confident in the relationship, and give her space and time, until she is ready to talk. This will increase her love and respect for you.

These are all qualities that will make a man likable to the modern, intelligent, independent woman who feels the need for a good love life.

Source: websites