The 6 best foods for a heart-healthy diet
The 6 best foods for a heart-healthy diet 11889
Most people feel the impact of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or having had a heart attack or stroke.
While there are risk factors beyond our control, there are a number of measures we can take to help support heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including dietary changes.
Here are 6 foods for a heart-healthy diet.
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Research shows that a high intake of dietary fiber may reduce cardiovascular disease. Fiber is also key to reducing inflammation, which studies suggest is a contributing factor to cardiovascular disease.
2-folic acid
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Folic acid (folate) is a type of B vitamin that is essential for the formation of healthy new cells in the body. Studies have found that cardiovascular patients who received folic acid treatment had a significantly reduced risk of stroke.
3-Monounsaturated fats
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Monounsaturated fats reduce unhealthy cholesterol without reducing healthy cholesterol. They are recommended as a substitute for saturated and trans fats. Olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, avocados, peanut butter, and many other nuts and seeds are sources of monounsaturated fats.
4-Omega-3 fatty acids
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Omega-3 fatty acids are a major component of the cell structure of every cell in our bodies. Studies also show that it has a powerful effect on reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are three types of omega-3s considered beneficial for cardiovascular health:
Alpha Linoleic Acid
Docosahexaenoic acid
Eicosapentaenoic acid
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Potassium helps regulate heartbeat and the amount of fluid in our cells, plays a role in keeping our muscles and nerves working properly, and is needed for protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Research indicates that there is a relationship between increased potassium intake and heart health.
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Broccoli is low in carbs, high in vegetable protein, high in fiber, and high in potassium and folic acid. Broccoli is a good source of vitamins and minerals, providing a great boost of vitamins C and K.

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