?Artificial intelligence threatens workers in the field of voice narration.. Will it replace them
?Artificial intelligence threatens workers in the field of voice narration.. Will it replace them 1--605
Tech giants are investing heavily in artificial intelligence, and are participating in the booming economy of audiobooks created with this software.
Artificial intelligence is beginning to transform the world of audiobooks, with the ability to create sequential recordings without each time using a human to take over the task of narration with the voice, in a development that worries workers in the field of audio recording that has been shrinking for years.
?Artificial intelligence threatens workers in the field of voice narration.. Will it replace them 11950
Tanya Ebe has been recording texts with her own voice for twenty years, doing this job full time. But over the past six months, her business has halved, as have many of her colleagues, whose business has slowed.
"It is logical that artificial intelligence affects us," she says, and "I think the future plan is to replace employees (with artificial intelligence systems) to reduce costs."
While there is currently no announced format for audiobooks developed with artificial intelligence, experts in the sector confirm that thousands of these books developed based on an audio database are now on the market.
?Artificial intelligence threatens workers in the field of voice narration.. Will it replace them 1-1332
Among the most advanced services in this field, Deep Zen provides a technology through which an audiobook can be developed at a quarter of the value of traditional projects.
This small London-based company relies on a database it created by recording the voices of different actors who were asked to express a variety of emotions.
?Artificial intelligence threatens workers in the field of voice narration.. Will it replace them 1-1333
"We signed a licensing agreement with all the sounds we use," says Kamis Taylan, general manager of "Deep Zen," adding, "We pay for the recordings (...) in addition to paying royalties every time we use a sound for a project."
"Things are moving so fast that many of the newcomers don't have the same ethics," warns Tanya Ibe, who use unpaid votes.
Kamis Taylan explains, "There is a gray area" that many platforms exploit, as "they take different voices for you, me, and five other people, to make a new voice out of them without paying anything, under the pretext that the voice does not belong to anyone."

All companies contacted by AFP denied carrying out such practices.
In addition to its pre-recorded voices, the startup "Speechky" allows the use of existing voices in existing databases, according to General Manager Dima Abramov, who explains that this second feature requires the signing of a contract stating usage rights.

Source : websites