Artificial intelligence threatens humanity and imposes another culture
Artificial intelligence threatens humanity and imposes another culture 1842
What effect will artificial intelligence leave in humans? (Sinese News page)
In search of the qualitative difference between human consciousness and this artificial cognitive formation
In 2018, the University of Montreal (Canada) issued a guiding document "Monreal Document for the Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence " that included the main topics that should be considered in order to manage the issue of artificial intelligence, which tomorrow invades all facilities of human life . There is no doubt that this document is not the only one issued by a university research center . Rather, it takes place in the context of global academic thinking that aims to explore the problems, bets, and challenges that artificial intelligence raises in the consciousness of modern man and in the reality of current human life. As for the media hype raised by the super-intelligent Lambda robot, it shows that scientists are now afraid to cross the line between subservient artificial intelligence and independent artificial intelligence that is free from all ethical human control.
Definition of artificial intelligence
Scientists define artificial intelligence as a set of theoretical and technical endeavors that strive to develop complex information programs capable of simulating human intelligence, especially in its most prominent cognitive features, such as reasoning, reasoning, demonstration, learning and training. Hence, artificial intelligence is embodied in technical information systems that imitate human intelligence, and extract from it the logic of its mechanisms, processes, and applied paths, so that it can accomplish the tasks assigned to it, and improve its performance based on the logic of developmental iteration. The fields of application of artificial intelligence are so diverse that one finds it in automated devices that operate on self-propulsion, in self-learning devices, in automated robots, in computers with insights in their audit trails, in cars, autonomous vehicles and transmissions, and in abstract numerical language systems, etc.
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Philosophy Against Artificial Intelligence (Amazon)
It is known that three amazing things contributed to the success of artificial intelligence operations: huge amounts of information preserved and invested, computer information capacity beyond imagination that qualifies this intelligence to manage the accumulated cosmic information thanks to the information cloud system, revolutionary computational algorithms unfamiliar with the human mind based on energies Deep learning (deep-learning), which creates a brain similar to the human brain, made up of neurons that act like brain cells, but without undergoing biological disruptions.
Achievements of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence has made great strides in recent years. In 2017, it was able to recognize the symbols of the words used in conversation, similar to the human mind that understands the meaning of the vocabulary used in speech. As for the mighty step, this intelligence accomplished it when it overcame the human abilities in the reading exam conducted by Stanford University in 2018, so that it was able to interact with human beings in an intelligent and correct interaction that made it provide us with the necessary and useful information in a natural, spontaneous and appropriate way. This achievement led Microsoft Executive Vice President Harry Shum to the dangerous declaration: "We sure should love AI! All things considered, we ask: What is the opposite of AI? The answer: natural stupidity."
The validity of artificial intelligence in the field of human consciousness
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Culture and artificial intelligence (BXhair)
However, the most serious issue arises from the inquiry raised by the British mathematician and founder of scientific informatics, Alan Turing (1912-1954): Can a machine think? By analogy with this question, people began to investigate the capabilities of artificial intelligence in the field of awareness and conscience, because man is a being based on the collusion of a group of sensory, perceptual and emotional qualifications. Man perceives by means of his intellect, feels by means of his conscience, and combines the two actions by means of his consciousness, which qualifies him to deal with his perceived and sensed self. Hence, consciousness is broader, more comprehensive and greater than perception and sensation.
The German philosopher Leibniz (1646-1716) believed that he could invent a calculus rationator based on a simple law that requires that we attribute to each concept a number of numbers. There is no doubt that this intellectual innovation greatly influenced the gradual preparation that led to the invention of artificial intelligence. However, Leibniz, who aspired to innovate a universal computational language that addresses all issues, returned and realized that this method could not develop properly, as it could not manage the problem of complex thorny interrelationships between legitimate concepts of identity and range.
Artificial intelligence may be able to replace human intelligence (cognition), but it will not be able to replace the sensation (conscience) associated with human physicality, and replace the holistic approach (awareness) that requires the adhesion of a group of physical, organic and neurological elements that artificial intelligence does not contain in The automated robotic device. However, scientists distinguish weak artificial intelligence from strong artificial intelligence. In the second, they examine the future of humanity that is looking to overcome the disruptions of the physical and mental structure.
The opposition between artificial intelligence and human consciousness
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Meeting and Enmity (Social Media)
Of course, there are conflicting opinions about the ability of powerful artificial intelligence to replace human consciousness. Opponents believe that consciousness is linked to the living human being who is subject to a highly complex biological system, in which the physical, psychological and moral (spiritual) dimensions are intertwined. The British sociologist Harry Collins (1943), in his book "Artificial Experts. Social Knowledge and Intelligent Machines," insists that intelligence requires an organic affiliation with an active human meeting between beings that are interactively conscious of their physicality, as The body, according to the conquests of contemporary phenomenology, is an extension of consciousness manifested in the external relational perspective.
Other researchers come forward to declare that robots whose artificial intelligence is limited to managing simple arithmetic symbols cannot replace human consciousness whose thought, perceptual and sensory processes are not subject to the laws of classical physics. The British mathematician and philosopher of science Rodger Penrose (1931), in his book "Shadows of the Minds. A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness", declares that the known physical laws today fail to explain the phenomenon of consciousness, because the built physical system On the duality of zero / one or the duality of active appearance / switched off (on / off), a system bound by mechanical inevitability that does not suit the vitality of consciousness that is free from every mathematical equation or infallible inferential logic.
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Rivalry to Think (Oxford
Hence, modern computers cannot simulate human intelligence nor take the place of consciousness, as they are based on deterministic algorithmic equations, with limited range. It is not accurate, in his view, to say those who claim that the mind works like an algorithmic computer. In another polemical book analyzing the nature of the connection between the mind and the computer with the laws of physics (The Emperor's New Mind. Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics), Penrose declares that consciousness transcends formal computational logic, as it adopts an open course of action that it cannot It is confined to a single equation, and its actions cannot be predicted.Only quantum physics and free ripples can explain some of the complex consciousness processes that cause neurons in the brain to generate stimulus excitations beyond the ability of computers to monitor and explain their entanglements and interactions.However, this physics is still in its infancy. Scientific verification.
The potential for functional communication between artificial intelligence and human consciousness
There is no doubt that such an analysis is not well received by scholars who champion the principle of similarity between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. Computer scientist co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Marvin Minsky (1927-2016) confirms that Rodger Penrose denies all similarities between the two intelligences, and denies that human thought is based on a simple structure subject to the logic of scientific analysis. Otherwise, Minsky, in The Emotion Machine. Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Human Mind, insists that human beings, while complex machines, And the function is subject to physical laws that can develop in an amazing way that makes robots embrace the excitations of neurons in their most intractable, intractable and confusing complexities. Accordingly, the only difference between human beings and intelligent robots is that these beings are machines whose intelligence emerges from the free interaction between various non-intelligent brain elements that enjoy only relative independence. In the wake of the amazing scientific development, these robots will become smarter than most people, so that they can create new robots whose capabilities exceed the intelligence of all humanity.
The levels of the human mind: perception, conscience, and awareness
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Artificial Intelligence as Philosophy book (Amazon)
Apart from the science and sobriety of theories, I believe that verifying the nature and function of brain cells is the essence of the problem and the essence of the issue. If science can show the complete similarity between the activity of neurons and the activity of artificial intelligence devices, then it can verify that the path of human consciousness is subject to physical laws of various aspects and characteristics. There is no doubt that what I referred to regarding the necessity of distinguishing between the three levels of the mind, perception, emotion and consciousness, helps us in defining the nature of artificial intelligence work. I believe that intelligent robots will surpass the realm of cognition in the near future. As for the rank of conscience and the rank of awareness, I cannot be certain about overcoming them, as they are closely linked to the nature of the deeper existential anchors that man experiences in his physicality embedded in the core of human communication.
Until today, I have not been convinced of an accurate scientific study that reveals to me the clear difference between the uniqueness of neuronal cellular excitation that derives from the sensation that afflicts human consciousness, and the specificity of the programmed engagement action performed by the artificial cells that make up the smart robotic device. Is the tone of tenderness emanating from the mother’s voice, or the thrill of adoration emanating from the depths of the orphaned heart, or the tenderness of the touch that is drawn on the forehead of the tortured poor in the refugee camps, the same as what is stored in the programs of the intelligent artificial beings that have become endemic to our electronic environment? In clearer terms, what is the difference between the pulse of human conscience and the beats of a smart machine? After several decades, these questions may have become the realm of intellectual simplicity, but today they are the basis for sober philosophical questioning.
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Brain sharing (Sense News page)
This is because the human being is a very complex, difficult-to-combine mass, in which various factors are always active, whose irregular connections that are contrary to the law of scientific logic cannot be predicted by artificial intelligence. When a person grieves, his perception, conscience, and consciousness open up countless possibilities of action: either he is isolated in his cell, or he goes out in public, or he devotes himself to painting, or dancing, or smoking, or he prefers suicide due to the horror of tragedy and the severity of despair, or he invents a pattern. A new form of social order, or carving a surprising image of his professional identity. In addition to all this, he can combine in his position two or three behaviors on some of the contradictions, without his conscience being confused or his decision being shaken. He can also suddenly abandon one of the positions without a convincing justification.
The most serious philosophical question in the humanization of artificial intelligence
I think that these human decisions may be gathered, in the absolute scientific possibility, by one machine whose intelligence exceeds what one cannot imagine at all, but they are also decisions related to physical, psychological and moral (spiritual) situations that are not experienced by artificial intelligence devices unless they contain all that is involved in human existence. venerable proportions. These devices then turn into humanoid replicas that look like clones. Only in this case, we can envisage the possibility of humanizing artificial intelligence, instead of exhausting ourselves in degrading man (making him like a machine), accustoming him (making him like a self-propelled automatic device), calculating him (making him like a computer), and digitalizing him (making him like the digital given in the virtual network). .

There is no doubt that all these artificial processes aroused the concern of scientists and philosophers, so they called for a consistent stance and expression of the great dangers involved in persisting in the artificialization of human intelligence, and in creating creatures similar to the human being that exceeds it with intelligence, sophistication, and the ability to plan and anticipate. The statement was issued in 2014 warning people of the dangers of artificial intelligence, which could replace humans, or even erase them from the cosmic map. One of the signatories is the British physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking (1942-2018), who famously made his moral cry: “The creation of artificial intelligence may be the greatest event in all of human history, but it may also be the last.”

Source : websites