The most beautiful tourist places in the Italian city of Verona
The most beautiful tourist places in the Italian city of Verona 1770
Unlike its neighboring destinations Venice and Milan, Verona in northern Italy exudes an understated allure. Known as "Little Rome" during the Roman Empire, the city is known for its Baroque architecture and ancient ruins, but it is perhaps most famous for its association with Shakespeare's greatest love story. Immerse yourself in the legend of Romeo and Juliet on a history tour, master local specialties during a cooking class, or explore beyond the city on a guided bike tour. In the following, a tour of the most famous tourist places in the Italian city of Verona.
Verona Arena
The most beautiful tourist places in the Italian city of Verona 1-377
View of Verona Arena
Feel like a part of history as you attend an event at the Verona Arena, a stunning Roman amphitheater that has dominated Piazza Bra since the first century. Once a venue for sporting events, games and gladiatorial battles, today up to 15,000 audiences gather to watch operas, concerts and dance performances. An indication that the amphitheater can accommodate 44 rows of seats 22,000 spectators, and in July and August, is home to the Verona Opera Festival, one of Europe's major summer music events ranked with the Bayreuth and Salzburg festivals.
Lamberti Tower
The most beautiful tourist places in the Italian city of Verona 1-378
Soaring high above Verona's historic Piazza delle Erbe, the 12th-century Lamberti Tower is one of the most attractive landmarks of this UNESCO-listed city. Climb 84 meters to the panoramic terraces and bell tower at the top for 360-degree views of Verona's historic centre.
San Pietro Castle
The most beautiful tourist places in the Italian city of Verona 1--743
San Pietro is a hilltop castle in Verona. Built in Austrian style in the 19th century and surrounded by cypress trees, it offers panoramic views of the city, including the Roman Theater and the Adige River.
Castlevecchio Bridge
The most beautiful tourist places in the Italian city of Verona 1--744
Castlevecchio Bridge
A symbol of Verona and spanning the River Adige, the 14th-century Castelvecchio Bridge was the largest supporting arch span in the world when it was completed in 1356. The original was destroyed during World War II, but a new bridge was rebuilt from the same red brick.

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