The ancient theater of Guelma
The ancient theater of Guelma 1780
Algeria........ not Romanian
Professor Mohamed Fawzi Muallem, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Guelma, specializes in the archeology of dialogue:
Field work The studies have proven that most of the sites that were under study are Numidian and the true identity of these landmarks are local Numidian sites that were affected by the Roman civilization, and they are not Roman as it was promoted until now.
The ancient theater of Guelma 1-385
The French ideology of historians contributed to blurring the historical truth.
Most of the archaeological remains date back to the Numidian period, and we proved, through our doctoral dissertation, that a large percentage of them belong to the local Numidian population.
We suggest reconsidering naming the Roman period in North Africa and changing it to the "Numedu-Roman" or "Libo-Roman" period to prove the national identity and give the historical truth scientific evidence.
The ancient theater of Guelma 1-1643
Professor Mohamed Fawzi, a teacher, intervened on the sidelines of the academic days organized by the Culture and Arts Sector of the state of El Tarf on the occasion of the Heritage Month.

Bilal bin Qaita report