Amziane celebrates the National Theater Day with the play Amchoum
On Sunday, May 15, 2022, the Cultural Complex Library in Nador hosted a signing ceremony and presentation of the play “Amchoum” by the writer “Terence Avr”, which was translated by Professor Abdelmajid Benhammadi into the Amazigh language. This ceremony, which was organized by the Amziane Association in coordination with the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication - Culture Sector - in the East, and the Amusig Center for Translation to and from Amazigh, was a resounding success and a remarkable presence of various cultural and artistic events, in addition to professors, students, researchers and those interested in the Amazigh cultural field.
Amziane celebrates the National Theater Day with the play Amchoum 1240
Mr. Murad Al-Mutawakil, in his capacity as Deputy Secretary General of the Amusig Center for Translation, took the floor, where he presented a detailed introductory paper on the center, highlighting its most important goals and interests focused on supporting translation to and from Amazigh, in a way that enriches the Amazigh library and gives a strong impetus to Amazigh language and culture.
For his part, the translator Abdel Majid Benhammadi stood at the importance of translation, especially the translation of theatrical texts in light of the scarcity in the Amazigh cultural scene in the countryside in this aspect, noting that translation would enrich the Amazigh language, and bring about the desired accumulation that answers the aspirations of researchers in this The matter, as it is a step to perpetuate the written character of Tamazight by opening up to international texts and drawing from their ideas and methods, the author of the translation also stood at the original writer, his life, his origin, his origin, and his works, as it was an occasion for the audience to know that the author of the original book “Terrance” Amazigh, wrote in Latin He lived in the second century BC, and his plays have been translated into many languages. With this translation, Benhamadi has returned the text of Terrance to his language, that is, the mother tongue of Terrance in which he was thinking, and the incubator of his culture and his feelings.
In a lengthy intervention, Dr. Suleiman Al-Baghdadi stood by the analysis, scrutiny and reading that are marked by sobriety and sequence of ideas, highlighting the most important strengths in the translation accomplished by Abdel Majid Benhammadi in the celebrated book, while highlighting the creative aspects, especially in his ability to overcome a group of difficulties such as lexical subsistence, which he resorted to. Translator to bypass it, to replace terms with sometimes cryptic phrases, or to generated words.
Dr. Suleiman Al-Baghdadi’s intervention was rich, in which he revealed the various linguistic and stylistic aspects, and the translator’s approach, which proceeded from a text to a text that preserves the spirit of the first text, but in a literary and artistic style that does not depart from the circle of the target language and its system. In this regard, he talked about the translator’s genius in translating the title, a translation that preserves the original meaning, and fuses with the Tamazight language into which it is translated, given that “Amchoum” is a facetted expression in the Amazigh culture, a choice that also makes the reader gravitate behind the title to know the semantic load that it carries. The title chosen for the text. In addition, Al-Baghdadi touched on translating the proper names that the translator tried to adapt to the Berber pronunciation.
This, and on the occasion of the International Theater Day, which was dedicated thanks to the royal message that the late Hassan II favored by directing it to the first national debate on professional theater on the same date in the year 1992, and on this occasion and given the cultural importance of this event, the Amziane Association of Nador, through The signing ceremony of the play “Amashoum”, extends its thanks to Mr. Montaser Loukili, the regional director of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication - Culture Sector - in the eastern region, and to the director of the cultural complex, Mr. Mustafa Gallo, for their valuable efforts and permanent support for the Amazigh theater in Nador
Amziane celebrates the National Theater Day with the play Amchoum 2123
Finally, the way was opened to the attendees at the ceremony, and their contributions, interventions and inquiries were at the level of the event, enriching the discussion, in an atmosphere of intellectual debate and meaningful and useful dialogue.