Tafraout.. “Guests of the Tafsout Festival” hosted by “Ait Mansour” and “Tarsouat”
Tafraout.. “Guests of the Tafsout Festival” hosted by “Ait Mansour” and “Tarsouat” 12149
Within the framework of the exploratory visits that the “Anarouz Association for Development and Cultural Communication” has been organizing to the villages adjacent to the city of Tafroat, the guests of the activities of the fifth session of the “Tafsout Festival of Amazigh-Maghreb Cinema”, including artists, directors and civil actors, had an appointment with a visit to both the Ait Mansour Oasis and the Tarsouat community .

On the morning of Friday, July 7, the association supervising the festival organized under the slogan “Adrar and Cinema” organized a tourist visit to the Ait Mansour oasis, where the “Guests of Tafsout” were received by members of the local association “Ait Mansour Association for Development and Culture”, which is one of the oldest associations established in the region. As members of the association provided an overview of the associational work that it had carried out and is carrying out, in addition to a luncheon in honor of the guests.
Tafraout.. “Guests of the Tafsout Festival” hosted by “Ait Mansour” and “Tarsouat” 1-392
In the evening of the third day of the festival, the “festival guests” moved to the Tarswat community, where they watched the Amazigh film “Charter” participating in the official competition of the festival, which tells “the story of the couple “Asso” and “Khadija” who live in a small house in a village. Where they live with family problems, but it soon turns into a real problem that prompts “Asso” to divorce his wife by three (verbal), which made her forbidden to him, except after her marriage to another man as required by Islamic law.
Tafraout.. “Guests of the Tafsout Festival” hosted by “Ait Mansour” and “Tarsouat” 1-1689
The artists and directors also had a meeting with “Master Class” moderated by Hamid Amadi, who in his discussion with the guests touched on the making of “Amazigh content” and its embodiment of different personalities, and he also talked about the purposeful role of Amazigh content in attracting, following and approving the audience.

To conclude the activities of the fifth session of the Tafsout Festival of Amazigh-Maghreb Cinema with a musical paragraph and the screening of a group of films participating in the official competition, in addition to the film “Belle au Fez” directed by Hamid Zayan, in Mohammed VI Square, downtown Tafraout.

Tafraout / Montaser Ithri

Source: websites