Will the development of artificial intelligence pave the way for the "annihilation of humanity"?
Will the development of artificial intelligence pave the way for the "annihilation of humanity"? 1-1732
Robotics specialist Kirsten Dottenhahn reassures that "robots are not evil"
The nightmare begins when a machine outsmarts a human and spirals out of control
Questions abound about the accuracy of the statement that artificial intelligence threatens humanity with "annihilation", according to alerts issued by experts and businessmen in this booming sector. Is there any credibility to this disastrous scenario, which, if true, still looms on the distant horizon?
the nightmare
The nightmare, inspired by countless sci-fi movies , begins when a machine outperforms humans and spirals out of control.

Canadian researcher Joshua Bengio, one of the godfathers of machine learning, said in recent remarks, “From the moment we have machines designed to last, we will run into problems.” According to a variant imagined by the Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom, the decisive moment will come when machines know how to make other machines themselves. , causing an "explosion of intelligence", and according to his theory called "paperclip theory", if for example the AI had an end goal of improving the production of this stationery accessory, it would end up covering "the ground first and then expanding to larger parts". From the universe, with paper clips.
Computer simulation
And Nick Bostrom is a controversial figure after he asserted that humanity could be a computer simulation, and also supported theories developed in the field of eugenics. He was finally forced to apologize for a racist message he sent in the nineties of the last century, and it finally reappeared. However, his vision about the dangers of artificial intelligence is still very influential and inspired both the head of Tesla and SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk and physicist Stephen Hawking. who passed away in 2018.
Will the development of artificial intelligence pave the way for the "annihilation of humanity"? 1-1733
Auto Fighter's photo
The image of the red-eyed robot fighter from the movie "Terminator" sent by a futuristic artificial intelligence to put an end to all human resistance has etched heavily on the collective unconscious, but according to the experts of the Stop Killer Robots campaign, this is not how weapons will prevail. Independent in the coming years, according to what they wrote in a report issued in 2021.
artificial intelligence
Robotics specialist Kirsten Dottenhan from the University of Waterloo in Canada reassures that "artificial intelligence will not give machines the desire to kill humans," and says, "robots are not evil," recognizing at the same time that their developers can program them to cause harm, and the less clear scenario includes the use of artificial intelligence. To produce new toxins or viruses with the aim of spreading them around the world.
Will the development of artificial intelligence pave the way for the "annihilation of humanity"? 1--803
A group of scientists who used artificial intelligence to discover new drugs conducted an experiment in which they modified their research with the aim of developing harmful molecules, and in less than six hours they were able to produce 40,000 potentially toxic agents, according to an article published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence.
"Using these techniques, someone might finally find a way to spread viruses or toxins like anthrax faster," said Joanna Bryson, an artificial intelligence expert at the Hertie School in Berlin. "But it's not an existential threat, it's just a terrible weapon."

End of the world movies
In apocalyptic films, catastrophe occurs suddenly and everywhere at once. But what if humanity gradually disappeared and was replaced by machines?
Philosopher Hu Price predicts in a promotional video released by the Center for the Study of Existential Risks at the University of Cambridge that "at worst our species could perish without a successor", and yet there are "less bleak possibilities" in which humans augmented by advanced technology can survive. "Purely biological species end up with extinction," Price adds.
Will the development of artificial intelligence pave the way for the "annihilation of humanity"? 12173

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