6tips to help children read fluently
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Trying to help a beginner reader recognize the letters and words themselves can be a daunting task, and it is only the first step in helping a child read fluently. You may be wondering what you are doing wrong, and how can you help your child read better?
You are not alone in experiencing these difficulties; It's like your baby's first attempts to pronounce the gingival letters; He stumbles at it a lot at first, but with observation, practice, and the care he gets in kindergarten, most kids become great conversationalists.
Children learn to read the same way they learn to speak, and it is your job to train them and give them the examples they need to read as fluently as they speak.

So what is reading fluency and why is it important?
Reading fluency is often confused with text comprehension. While understanding a text is the ultimate goal of the reading process, reading fluency is necessary so that a child can read aloud, accurately, quickly, and without difficulty. Otherwise, they will not be able to achieve the ultimate goal of understanding the text. .
So reading fluently is an essential step towards understanding a text. To find out if your child is reading fluently, answer the following questions:
Does your child stutter while reading?
Does he have difficulty pronouncing words?
Does he make a great effort to be able to read?
Does he need a long time to recognize the words?
Does he finish reading a sentence without achieving any comprehension of the meaning?
If the answer is yes to one or more of these questions, then the child suffers from difficulty in reading, and reading for the child at this stage is an attempt to link words that appear to him disparate without a noticeable relationship between each other.
Now you will read a set of tips that will help you improve your child's ability to read fluently:
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6tips to help children read fluently 1-690
1. Set an example.
Primary teachers often advise parents to read in front of the child, and then have the child read in turn. The reason behind this advice is that the child needs to hear someone read fluently so that he can also read fluently.
Hearing an adult read smoothly and easily helps the child provide a model that the child can imitate in order to read in the same way.
When your child listens to you while you pronounce the words smoothly and easily, pausing at the commas and lengthening at the end of the paragraph, he will begin to do the same. Add to this that reading in front of your child teaches him expressive reading; This is because when you read the text while expressing emotion in front of your child, he will pick up this style and start imitating you when he reads; Therefore, having your child follow your example as a reader is the most effective way to help him read fluently.
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2. Make your child read frequently:
Achieving reading fluency takes a lot of practice. Not even the best readers have this ability instinctively. Rather, they achieved it through a lot of practice and continuous training.
Let us remember that the goal of having the skill of reading fluently is to be able to read without effort, and for the child to achieve this, he needs training over time until he becomes able to read easily.
It is recommended to read the passage aloud so that the child acquires the fluency skill in reading, and reading the same passage over and over again provides the child with the necessary comprehension and remembrance to acquire fluency.
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Apply this advice in front of your child by starting by reading a short passage of no more than 100 words out loud, and then have your child repeat it in front of you several times so that he can read it effortlessly.

Watch the video: 6 ways to develop a sense of imagination in children

Source : websites