Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1894
There is no doubt that the Indian civilization is one of the most prominent civilizations that provided a lot to humanity, and had a great influence in shaping our modern world. In our article, we will review some Indian inventions and discoveries that had an important role in development and progress.
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1-1949
Indians used buttons to decorate clothes and tie them together, as this technique was used for the first time in Mohenjo-Daro in the country of Sindh in the year 2000 BC.
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1-1950
Chess evolved from Chaturanga, an ancient strategy game developed in India during the reign of Emperor Gupta in the sixth century AD.
Mobile buildings and prefabricated houses:
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1--901
The first movable and prefabricated building structures were invented during the reign of Akbar in the Mughal Empire (16th century AD).
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1--902
The word shampoo comes from Hindi (chāmpo चाँपो), which was an oil rubbed on the heads of the Nawabs of Bengal during the Mughal Empire in 1762.
Snakes and ladders game:
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1---385
Photo by Leonard J Matthews from Flickr
This famous game that we all played in our childhood has Indian origins, and it was called the morals game, after which it moved to England and then it was transferred to the United States by Milton Bradley in 1943.
Cotton cultivation:
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1---385
Ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks, relied on animal skins and fur for clothing, and they did not know the cotton fabric.
But the Indians were cultivating cotton in the Indus Valley Civilization since 5000 BC, and from them the method of growing and weaving cotton spread throughout the world.
Fibonacci numbers:
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1----260
It is said that Fibonacci numbers were first described by Virahanka, Gopala and Himachandra in ancient writings.
Cataract surgery:
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1----261
The Indian physician Sushruta (sixth century BC) knew how to surgically operate cataracts, and from there it spread to China and the rest of the world.
Diamond mines:
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1----262
India was the sole source of diamonds worldwide before diamond mines were discovered in Brazil in the 18th century.
Discovery of water on the moon:
Amazing inventions and discoveries, you did not know that their origin is India and the Indus Valley Civilization 1----263
The discovery of lunar water is attributed to India's Chandrayaan-1 mission.
