Amazing archaeological discoveries inside a Spanish cave
Amazing archaeological discoveries inside a Spanish cave 12027
The drawings were discovered in a Spanish cave
A scientific team from the Spanish University of Alicante announced the discovery of historical drawings dating back between 5,000 and 7,500 years in a deep cave, using a drone.
According to the study published in the Spanish newspaper "La Centum", which specializes in scientific affairs, the "drones" helped to easily explore the archaeological cave.
Amazing archaeological discoveries inside a Spanish cave 1-1456
"Without the use of the drone, the researchers would have needed to climb and make very complex routes, with safety concerns," the source added.
The researchers said that they made the discovery only a few days after the drones began flying in the Pinagila region of Alicante, in eastern Spain.
This area is known for artifacts from the prehistoric era, according to archaeologist Francisco Hernandez, who supervised the study.
Amazing archaeological discoveries inside a Spanish cave 1-1457
After photographing the drawings, the researchers went and confirmed the discovery through direct inspection, and found several drawn figures such as humans and animals, and some of them appeared to be infected with arrows.
Molina stated that he decided to use drones because they provide a great help, and "because we risked our lives to reach some caves in difficult areas."
He added that many caves had not been completely reached before, and the reason is that they are located in areas with difficult terrain that cannot be bypassed.
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These drawings reveal that the prehistoric man had means of an important degree of development, and he may have used ropes to climb, or he might have erected wooden platforms, because the drawings required effort and tools.

Source: websites