Omaima Daoudi is a writer rising to the heights of creativity in the Amazigh language
Omaima Daoudi is a writer rising to the heights of creativity in the Amazigh language 1942
Writing is a vibrant art, but there are those who push boundaries and climb to the heights of creativity. They are the distinguished writers. These writers who leave an unforgettable imprint on the minds of readers, and capture hearts with their charming words, here we will give a lot, although it is not enough, to the Chaoui writer Omaima Daoudi, daughter of the city of Takout, which is regionally affiliated to the state of Batna, eastern Algeria.
Omaima Daoudi is a writer rising to the heights of creativity in the Amazigh language 1-743
Professor Omaima is a specialist in the Amazigh language and a graduate of the University of Batna, an Amazigh language master. She has a first edition entitled Izoranna, and what made us blog this article to introduce the writer is our review of one of her recently published works, the book Afratto Ntelli. ⴰⴼⴻⵔⵜⴻⴹⵓ ⵏ ⵜⵉⵍⴻⵍⵍⵉ The amazing thing about the distinguished writer Omaima Daoudi is that she You can transform Amazigh words into pictures, sounds and colors in the minds of readers. She uses her mother tongue as a magical tool to create imaginary and realistic worlds at the same time, in which she weaves words that suggest the diversity of the Amazigh language with its Chaoui variant. Omaima combines linguistic creativity and descriptive power in her language to create a world full of beauty and life.

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