A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1_bmp17
Who among us did not feel excited when he found his grandmother's or mother's box, thinking that it contained cakes inside, but was very disappointed when he opened the box and found sewing tools inside! I think we all had this experience.. right?
Well, what if we told you that one of those items you find inside a sewing box has a fascinating history behind it? Of course we're not talking about needles or tailor's rolls here, well they're actually buttons, those little things you might not have thought for a moment about the interesting history they carry, from rock and shell buttons to tiny plastic buttons, they all have unique stories to tell For you now, we'll highlight how buttons have evolved throughout history.
?What is the origin of the buttons
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1_bmp18
The Indus Valley Civilization (modern India and Pakistan) are credited with inventing buttons, with some of the oldest civilizations dating back to 2000 B.C. Previous buttons were made of things like bone, seashells, and wood since there was no plastic back then and metal was expensive. Really pricey.
In the beginning, buttons were used to embroider clothes, that is, as a kind of decoration, and they were a symbol of wealth and place, and they were often sewn in the form of geometric patterns instead of the straight lines that we know today.
Over the years, buttons evolved from being an element used for decoration to a more useful element. During the Middle Ages, the invention of the buttonhole arrived, which revolutionized the world of fashion. At that time, people added the buttonhole to their clothes, and with this invention, the button could enter through the hole and fasten it securely. He gave the clothes an amazing and elegant design.
Now we will tell you the strangest stories and information about buttons, and here we will not be satisfied with talking about clothing buttons!
Killing a woman using the camera button:
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1-_bmp12
On the morning of December 31, 1945, two young women boarded a subway train separately at a station in Brooklyn, and sat opposite each other as the train moved towards Manhattan, and this was the first time they met, and at that moment they had no idea that their lives were on the line. About to get tangled up, but in a sinister way!
As soon as the two women left the station, a strange man approached one of them and told her that he was a detective. He handed her a gun that looked like a camera and asked her to take a picture of the other woman, claiming that she was a suspect. Without any hesitation, the woman pressed the camera button and ended up shooting the other woman. After the investigation It turns out that the man is not a detective but a gangster and the victim is his ex-wife, and the camera button was actually the trigger of the gun!
Fake elevator buttons:
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1-_bmp13
Who among us did not get out of his apartment late for work and quickly go to the elevator and start pressing the “close the door” button quickly, perhaps we all did that, but what if we told you that 80% of these buttons do not work and are just fake buttons used by companies in modern elevators To give humans an illusory feeling that they are involved in decision making!
And even though you know by now it doesn't work, we bet the next time you hop on the elevator you'll hit it and feel good.
Opening the microwave door without using a button causes problems for scientists!
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1--_bm12
Physicists at the Australian Parkes Observatory have detected strange bursts of radio waves that seemed to come from all directions in the sky since 1998, and they occurred once or twice a year and lasted only for a short period, and most scientists assumed that they came from somewhere nearby, but the bursts have properties that make them It appears as if it had traveled millions of light years from distant galaxies, and the source of these waves remained a mystery that scientists had been unable to discover for years.
But after a series of experiments, they discovered in 2015 that the whole phenomenon was caused by one of their co-workers not using the stop button to open the microwave door in the office, causing the device to emit 2.5 GHz of radiation at once! It's amazing how ignoring a tiny button has caused years of confusion for some of the best scientists in the world.. isn't it!
How Japanese students use buttons to show love:
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1--_bm13
The graduation ceremony in Japan is very similar to all other celebrations around the world, as it is a regular celebration such as presenting graduation certificates to students and graduation speeches, but there is a unique tradition of exchanging buttons as an expression of love, in the event that a young man admires a girl with him in school, he gives her the second button of his school uniform in a sincere confession of his love for her.
This tradition is inspired by a famous scene from the 1960 movie "Konpeki no sora takeu," in which, when the main character joins a kamikaze unit during the war, he chooses to give the second button of his uniform to a girl he loves as a final gift to show how much he loves her.
Do bosses really have a big red button on their desk?
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1---_b12
For decades, the image of the president with his finger on a button capable of launching a world-ending nuclear strike has symbolized the unchecked power that comes with being a head of state, but does that button actually exist? The answer is no, there is no button.
While most nations have their own procedures for launching a nuclear attack, they all have one thing in common: no single button is capable of doing so. In most countries, “pushing the button” is just a metaphor for launching a nuclear attack.
What does the symbol on the famous power button on all electronic devices mean?
A collection of wonderful stories about buttons in various forms 1---_b13
Have you ever wondered what the power button symbol that we see on all devices means? That button that looks like a small circle crossed by a small line, well this universal symbol evolved from the term "on and off", which was replaced by the numbers 1 and 0 in binary, where 1 stands for on and 0 stands for off.
Now that we've talked about different types of buttons, told you stories, and revealed information about buttons, which one did you like the most! Share your opinions in the comments and be sure to share this information with your friends.

Source: website