Bedtime stories..
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A bedtime story that develops a child’s linguistic skills - Image from AdobeStock
In the context of the effect of a bedtime story on a child, many educational researches and studies have confirmed that there is a big difference between children who listen to the story on a daily basis, and others whose parents are busy with them.
To parents, I say: After you add bedtime reading as a daily routine in your child’s life, you will find that children who are read stories to them from an early age tend to develop their language skills faster.
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Reading stimulates children's development and gives them a head start in motor skills and memory formation when they arrive at school. Children's interaction with the story also improves their emotional and social development.
Many parents stop reading to their children as soon as they are able to read on their own, and the study also found that 83% of children enjoy reading aloud, while 68% describe feeling warm and affectionate when their parents participate in reading with them.
The effects of reading children's stories on your child's brain
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Reading stories to children activates the brain - Image from AdobeStock
Children between the ages of 3 and 5 years showed differences in brain activation - according to MRI scans - as they became more positive the more the parents read.
When children are engaged in listening to a story; More areas of their left brain become more active. Which helps develop reading and writing skills at pre-school age.
Reading also contributes to children's brain development in a healthier way. Therefore, parents should interact more with them when reading, such as asking them questions, discussing them with them, and asking them to turn the pages.
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Every story... reduces your child's stress
The study says that parents’ oral interaction with children reduces stress levels, as evidenced by the existence of a neurological difference between children who read regularly and children who do not read.
Electronic images of the brains of children who read little show little activity in verbal processing areas, but after reading continues, their brain activity changes; To seem like good readers.
Stories work to: greatly enhance the child’s linguistic skills, and are considered a step in developing the child’s speaking skills. Especially in the first five years of their lives.
As reading continues on a daily basis, children come to understand higher level vocabulary, and inferring the meaning of these words expands their spoken and contextual vocabulary significantly.
Special time with mom
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Children's bedtime stories...the happiest times - Image from pexels
Reading bedtime stories is no longer just about reciting the lines of a book night after night; Children find it a special time to communicate with their parents before bed.
Where children feel cared for and safe, and that time will remain a memory in their minds throughout their lives. They interact with you positively, as an essential part of their daily routine.
Timing is important when choosing when to read a book; For younger children, they may be able to sit on your lap in a rocking chair, while older children may prefer to stay in bed while hearing the story.
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You won't need to buy many stories; Children want to read the same book over and over until they memorize it, and this is the best way for children to learn. They enjoy repetition.
Teaching virtues... without orders
By telling stories to your child, you can instill good qualities, such as wisdom, courage, honesty, honesty, and generosity at an early age. You can also change bad behavior that you noticed in your child, indirectly without orders, or clash with him and accuse him of bad behavior.
Strengthen the relationship between you and your child
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Reading stories prevents bad dreams - Image from pexels
The research is still reporting its results. Children are not the only ones who have fun while telling stories. Rather, they both enjoy relaxation and feel less stressed. Which increases their happiness.
Therefore, reading helps strengthen the relationship between parents and children, and creates an atmosphere of fun and entertainment, in addition to making them feel happy and safe. The story prevents any disturbing dreams while sleeping. It helps the child enter into a peaceful sleep. Especially after choosing appropriate, quiet stories.
Reading develops a child's positive imagination
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Reading allows the child to immerse himself in the world of imagination - Image from AdobeStock
Children are often visually stimulated by television and electronic devices; So they rarely succeed in making use of their imagination unless we read to them, or until they can read.
For this; If we do not read to our children; Their ability to use their imagination will inevitably weaken, and they will lose the ability to imagine. A bedtime story is the carpet of the wind that carries the child to thousands of places.
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The story is a magical world that the child moves to, enjoys it and cannot stay away from it, and at the same time fulfills a huge amount of needs for him. They inhabit him in palaces and fly him into space.

Source: websites