Zenata swords in Spain
Zenata swords in Spain 1-2147
- A picture of the most famous sword in Andalusia, which is the “Zanata sword.” It is called "jineta" in Spanish. This sword is of North African origin and belongs to the Knights of Zenata, who were the most skilled knights in the Middle Ages. Even the knight's name in Spanish is called "Jinete". Named after the Amazigh tribe of Zenata.
Zenata swords in Spain 1-2148
- The Knights of Zanata introduced this type of sword to Andalusia. Among the campaigns they carried out against the Christian kingdoms there. This sword became the main weapon of the armies of the state of Bani Nasr in the 14th century AD. The reputation of the Zenata knights also spread throughout the world, as Ibn Fadlallah Al-Omari Al-Dimashqi equated one Zenata knight with 100 and 500 knights.
- The picture of the latest models of these swords is displayed in the Toledo Museum. The sword on the left of the warrior "Ali Attar," the last commander of the city of Lusha. And who was killed in one of the battles against the Castilians in 1483 AD. And they kept his sword and his possessions, as today there is a statue that commemorates his memory in the city of Lusha....
Zenata swords in Spain 1--999
- As for the sword on the right, it belongs to Sultan Abu Abdullah Muhammad

Source: websites