The Arabs never invaded Spain
The Arabs never invaded Spain 12604
According to two new scientific studies, published in the journals Science and Nature, based on the genome of more than a thousand individuals who lived in Iberia between 7,000 years BC and 1,500 years AD... The presence of the Amazighs in this geographical area dating back more than 4,400 years!!
Researchers discovered a skeleton from a complex tomb in the heart of Spain, dating back to 2,400 BC, belonging to a man whose ancestry was 100% North African, therefore Amazigh.
David Reich, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School and co-author of the SCIENCE article, says “It's crazy! We double-checked because it was so weird”
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Another striking result of these studies is the analysis of the skeleton of a woman, aged 3,500 years, showed that she had a grandparent from the southern shore of the Mediterranean...
New York Times states, "These findings suggest that people from Africa settled Iberia more than 3,000 years before the rise of the Roman Empire."
Clare Bycroft of the University of Oxford and her colleagues published a study of the DNA of 1,413 people in Spain in the scientific journal NATURE. They were able to identify fragments of North African/Amazigh DNA in people from all over Spain...
The Arabs never invaded Spain 1-2734
These genetic studies found no trace of the presence of Arabs in Iberia. The Arab presence can be limited to an elite of rulers and military personnel only