7steps to help raise a stubborn child
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It is a common problem for children that many parents suffer from, but how can a stubborn child be raised and dealt with correctly so that this behavior can be corrected? Let us learn about ways to raise stubborn children and deal with them correctly.
Give the child a range of choices
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One of the important things when raising a stubborn child is his awareness that he has responsibilities that he must fulfill towards himself and towards his family, and in order for him to be able to carry out his responsibilities, he must have a set of options that help him think and act in situations correctly, according to the child’s age, for example He must determine the clothes he likes to wear, the toys he prefers to ride, as well as the colors of the plates and cups he uses.
However, attention must be paid while making choices, as there are matters on which the child’s opinion cannot be taken. For example, his opinion should not be taken into account regarding wearing light or heavy clothes if the weather is cold. Of course, he must wear heavy clothes, but the choice here is between the heavy clothes available in His closet to determine his desires from among them.
The same applies to healthy food. The child should not choose between healthy and unhealthy food, but rather his choice should be between different healthy foods only.
Eve with your child
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Dialogue with the child is one of the most important secrets of raising children in a healthy manner. It is necessary for the father to talk to his stubborn child in order to reach appropriate solutions in various situations. The father should not make a decision without talking to his son first and discussing this decision to listen to his opinion. It may be He has a point of view that must be respected.
It is recommended to ask the child questions so that his different opinions and feelings can be known in situations that require making decisions. This applies to various situations, not just raising a stubborn child.
Define the rules
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Although it is necessary for the child to participate in various matters, take his opinion, and help him make decisions and assume responsibilities, this does not mean not setting specific rules for him to follow in his life and behavior. It is advised to define a basic routine and rules that do not change so that it is easy for the child to get used to them and adapt to them, such as setting a time for Doing schoolwork, and setting a fixed time to sleep.
Thus, it is possible to raise a stubborn child in a correct way, as he will learn how to behave on his own within this routine framework, and there will be no room for issuing orders, and then the child will resort to stubbornness, The child's sense of independence is one of the most important foundations of sound upbringing of children.
Rules are also useful in a child’s lifestyle so that he gets used to the correct routine that he grows up with since childhood and grows up with him.
As the child grows older, he will be able to participate better in various matters, including setting rules, so he must be given some new authority over his own life, and set expectations so that he understands the reasons behind them.
Be a role model
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One of the most prominent mistakes in raising stubborn children is that he does not find the right role model to emulate. One of the basics of raising a stubborn child is for the father to be a role model, because the father is the child’s mirror that he unintentionally imitates, and therefore any behavior the father takes will be greatly reflected in the child’s actions. If the child finds that the father is doing wrong things, he will try to imitate him, and if he finds an objection to that, he will not accept this objection, and his stubbornness will increase.
A father who suffers from the problem of a stubborn child should not be stubborn and try to change this trait, so that his son does not imitate him. He should practice methods of dealing with the child in the correct way to help him avoid wrong behaviors.
Help the child change his behavior
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You can help a child change his wrong behaviors, so that he realizes that stubbornness is one of the things he must abandon, but how can that be? Have your child express his tension and the times during which he feels increased anxiety, and tell him how to behave during them so that he can train himself to control anxiety in the correct way. Some ideas can be presented that help calm the child, such as:
Walk with him outside the house for a little while.
Practice yoga and deep breathing.
Practicing the child's favorite activity.
These things help to feel calm and comfortable, and can make the child behave correctly when he is excited.
For a younger child, who is still learning how to express emotions, you could ask him how you feel at different times of the day. Do you feel happy? Do you have enthusiasm? do you feel jealous? are you angry? Have him answer you so you can offer him suggestions to get rid of these feelings.
Praise your child
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The correct method of raising children depends on a set of important procedures, including praising the child. The positive things he does must be mentioned, hugging him when he does something good, and bragging about it in front of others. This can go a long way in raising a stubborn child. On the other hand, do not underestimate the child and his abilities, and always talk about his wrong behaviors, especially in the presence of other people, as this will reduce his sense of self-confidence and put him in an embarrassing situation, thus making him a shy child who will find it difficult to face society, and the matter will also increase. worse instead of treating the problem.
Find a reason behind the problem
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The child may have a latent problem that he feels, whether at home or in any other surrounding environment such as school, club, etc. Therefore, it must be ensured that there is no hidden matter behind this behavior, especially if it increases and worsens over time.
Fixing the problem from the beginning is the most important step in raising a stubborn child, rather than trying to fix the child’s results and reactions. Therefore, you must go back to the reasons first to change them and then start improving the child’s behavior.
Mistakes in raising stubborn children
After we learned about ways to raise a stubborn child, we will shed light on a group of mistakes that are recommended to be avoided when raising a stubborn child, including:
Talking to the child nervously and harshly: The child must be dealt with calmly, and even at the time of punishment, the punishment should be without shouting at him, and it is best to be by depriving him of something he loves.
Do not compare the child with others: Comparing the child with his peers exacerbates the problem instead of treating it, and therefore it is recommended to avoid doing this, as every child has unique advantages and disadvantages.

Disagreements and intense discussions between parents in front of the child: When conflicts and disagreements occur between the father and mother, this matter must take place without the child present, especially if the dispute is due to the actions and behaviors of the son.
Changing principles: Parents must set principles and rules that are always followed at home, and be careful not to change them no matter what, because this will cause double thoughts in the child.

Source: websites