Napoleon III_Founder_of_The_Arab_Nation_Thesis..
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Some may wonder who came up with the idea of the Arab nation... and it may occur to them that it is an idea emanating from the Arabs themselves... but this assumption is wrong... the inventor of this idea is Napoléon III...
Yes... in French colonialism, he was the first to establish the so-called “Arab Nation” thesis. Napoleon III, the Emperor of France, was the first to envision an Arab kingdom extending from Baghdad to North Africa that would be under his authority.
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During his first visit to Algeria in September 1860 AD.. and after a dinner banquet.. Emperor Napoleon III gave a speech that included some points about his #new colonial policy.. Among what was stated in it: “Our first duty is to achieve the happiness of three million Arabs. Fate intended that They are under our control France’s mission requires elevating Arabs to the level of human beings, and our colony here in Africa is not an ordinary colony, but rather an Arab kingdom.”
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Napoleon III, in a letter to Governor Pélisset in 1863 AD, reaffirmed that Algeria is an Arab kingdom and stated: “This, Mr. Marshal, is the path that must be followed strictly; Because Algeria, I repeat, is not a colony in the true sense of the word, and it is all an Arab kingdom for the people before the colonizers, so that my protection is equal, and I am equally #Emperor_of_the_Arabs and Emperor_of_the_French.
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In 1913 AD, some Arab thinkers and politicians met in Paris, France, in what was called the First Arab Conference to revive the Arab nation project, and thus was the beginning of the legend! French colonialism worked within the framework of the “Napoleon III Project” to dismantle the tribe, create private property, and establish Arab offices that supervised the entire process and which had a major role in Arabizing toponymy and falsifying the results of excavations. The matter even extended to issuing distorted historical readings that triumphed for the West and highlighted their superiority in exchange for contempt for the targeted areas. #Underestimating its history..

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