These two new scientific studies would demonstrate the viability of a parallel universe
These two new scientific studies would demonstrate the viability of a parallel universe 12510
A parallel universe could be possible according to two new scientific studies! But their way of conceiving this possible parallel universe would be completely opposite…
The first study proposes that a mirror universe to ours exists. But this parallel universe would be a reflection made of antimatter. It would therefore be an “antiuniverse”! This would have already existed before the beginning of our Universe, that is to say before the Big Bang.
The second study argues, with a mathematical theory, that a parallel world cannot be radically different from ours.

Through this mathematical demonstration, when a modification of an element takes place in a universe. The elements in the two universes, seemingly different, continue to correspond.
The theory of the antiuniverse was proposed by physicists who wanted to build a model explaining all observable phenomena without inventing unknown elements.
This model could explain the notion of dark matter, hypothetical matter which accounts for numerous astrophysical phenomena without us yet being able to prove its existence. Although it is a “mirror” antiuniverse, it and our universe will not be perfectly symmetrical, which avoids problems with free will.
These two new scientific studies would demonstrate the viability of a parallel universe 1-2507
The mathematical theory of similar parallel worlds arises from string theory. This theory reconciles quantum physics and general relativity. The authors of this study attempt to observe whether behaviors in space A will have the same properties as in space B. They have succeeded in demonstrating mathematically that, when we transfer an event from universe A to universe B, there are no significant changes.
A not completely symmetrical antimatter antiuniverse or an extremely similar universe with the same properties... Which theory convinced you the most?

Source: websites