Once again, DGST saves Germany from a dangerous terrorist project that would have been carried out by a former ISIS fighter.
Once again, DGST saves Germany from a dangerous terrorist project that would have been carried out by a former ISIS fighter. 11010
Thanks to accurate information provided by the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance, the German police in Essen, western Germany, on Tuesday, October 24, were able to arrest a German-Egyptian ISIS member who was residing in the German city of Duisburg, and who was active on the Internet.
Recently, the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance warned German intelligence of the danger of preparing a large-scale terrorist project by a German-Egyptian Islamic extremist called “Tariq S.”, who was a former fighter in the “ISIS” organization, and was preparing to shed blood in Germany in the name of this terrorist organization. The terrorist organization, according to security information provided by Moroccan intelligence to its German counterpart.
Once again, DGST saves Germany from a dangerous terrorist project that would have been carried out by a former ISIS fighter. 1-151
The suspect allegedly planned to commit various attacks, including an attack using a truck in Germany, according to sources close to the case.
The vigilance and skill of the Moroccan intelligence services, led by Abdellatif Hammouchi, enabled Germany to spare a bloodbath, and the Moroccan security services were able to confirm, once again, their effectiveness, which is attested to shine throughout the world.
It is noteworthy that the Director General of National Territorial Surveillance, Abdellatif Hamouchi, received, last April, the head of the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BFV), who was accompanied by a delegation of his senior aides to this intelligence agency.

A previous communication from the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance stated that the discussions between the two sides focused on assessing the security situation at the regional and regional levels, studying the threats and challenges resulting from the escalation of the terrorist threat, as well as ways to enhance security cooperation between the two countries on solid foundations based on credibility, trust, and common interest.

Abdul Aziz Maluk.

Source: websites