?What is the secret behind astronauts being carried when they are taken off their spacecraft and preventing them from walking on their feet
?What is the secret behind astronauts being carried when they are taken off their spacecraft and preventing them from walking on their feet 13-844
There is no doubt that every work that a person does, especially if it is loved by him and undertaken willingly and voluntarily, as much as it carries passion and pleasure for its doer, carries the same amount of hardships, challenges, and difficulties that are inevitable.
?For example, many look at astronauts with some envy, as they have attained and achieved something that many desire and are impossible to achieve, but has anyone thought about the suffering of these astronauts and the difficulties they face
The reason astronauts are not allowed to walk on Earth
When astronauts return to planet Earth after spending a long period of time away from it, they face several physical and health disorders, such as the inability to walk easily as they did before.
The bodies of astronauts are affected by their stay on the International Space Station. Due to the lack of gravity and weight.
This makes them lose the ability to move their muscles somewhat.
According to experts, astronauts who spend a period of time on the space station are affected by their stay in a location where there is no gravity or weight.
Upon their return to Earth, specialized teams conduct medical examinations for the returning astronauts and make sure to do some exercises so that they can recover from the effects of their stay outside Earth.
Scientific bodies rely on the results of these tests to identify the impact of living in space on human health.
?What is the secret behind astronauts being carried when they are taken off their spacecraft and preventing them from walking on their feet 13-845
Especially since space agencies are planning to send more missions in the future.
In outer space, because astronauts do not use their muscles, they weaken, as gravity is absent and the astronauts move in a manner similar to flight.
Therefore, astronauts usually make sure to do two hours of exercise every day.
Other symptoms
Astronauts are also exposed over long periods of time to the same daily tasks, which can be daunting.
However, the mental challenges do not end there.
As NASA stated, “The types of problems you may experience are decreased mood, cognition, morale, or interpersonal interaction.
You can also develop a sleep disorder because your circadian rhythm may be thrown off by the stress of being isolated for so long. “
Issues like depression and fatigue are sometimes unavoidable. While lack of fresh food and nutritional deficiencies may further contribute to physiological and cognitive decline.
?What is the secret behind astronauts being carried when they are taken off their spacecraft and preventing them from walking on their feet 13--315
All the things you take for granted from food, to routine, to simple smells are all part of the pressure of being in space.
“I craved the smell of leaves and grasses and flowers and trees,” Wheelock says.
He added, “These things do not exist on the space station.”
Coming home after a space flight can be tough not only for your body but your mental state as well.
Depending on the length of the trip, it could take on average anywhere from 45 days to two months, and even a year, for people to reposition themselves to return to Earth.
Because of the effects of gravity, astronauts usually go through a period of physical therapy as their bodies need to adjust to Earth's gravity.
Astronauts are mentally evaluated after they return, something NASA takes very seriously.
Challenges in space
“You feel the physiological changes when you get into space and you start to feel like your body and mind think you don't need your legs anymore,” says Doug Wheelock, a NASA astronaut who spent 178 days in space.
?What is the secret behind astronauts being carried when they are taken off their spacecraft and preventing them from walking on their feet 13--70
When you're here on Earth, your bones and muscles work hard to keep you stable.
Without the downward force of gravity, the body works much less.
Which causes muscle deterioration and loss of bone density.
In fact, according to NASA, just one month in space can cause you to lose a lot of bone mass.
This causes a significant drop in calcium levels in the blood, which in turn may lead to a range of health problems.
?What is the secret behind astronauts being carried when they are taken off their spacecraft and preventing them from walking on their feet 13---93
That is, the conclusion says that nothing in life is easy and easy. Every matter carries as many negatives as it carries positives. This is how life is.

Source: websites