Alcohol consumption exposes a person to the risk of contracting more than 60 diseases
Alcohol consumption exposes a person to the risk of contracting more than 60 diseases 1--1385
There is a need to strengthen alcohol control policies - Getty
The results of scientific research showed that alcohol consumption is linked to more than 60 human diseases, including 33 diseases that were not previously reported as alcohol-related diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The research team analyzed a database containing health information for more than 512,000 adults, which showed a link between alcohol consumption and gout and cataracts, in addition to fractures and circulatory diseases.
According to research published in the journal Nature Medicine, a third of men drink alcohol regularly at least once a week, while the rate for women was only 2 percent. Therefore, women were used as a reference to ensure that the risk of excess disease in men resulted from drinking alcohol.
Alcohol consumption exposes a person to the risk of contracting more than 60 diseases 12626
Alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for poor physical and mental health, causing approximately three million deaths.
The research showed that every four drinks per day was associated with a 14 percent increased risk of developing alcohol-related diseases.
"Alcohol consumption is negatively associated with a broader range of diseases than previously identified. Our findings show that these associations are likely causal," study author Baek K. Im. told
Alcohol consumption exposes a person to the risk of contracting more than 60 diseases 1-2812
Professor Liming Li, lead author, added: “This large collaborative study demonstrates the need to strengthen alcohol control policies in China.”
Among the diseases caused by alcohol consumption are six types of cancer, in addition to blood diseases, metabolic disorders and epilepsy, in addition to the exacerbation of chronic diseases in the body.
Earlier, a study revealed that drinking alcohol during pregnancy has health effects on the shape and face of the fetus.
Alcohol consumption exposes a person to the risk of contracting more than 60 diseases 1-2813
According to the study, published by the European Society of Reproduction and Embryology, pregnant women drinking one 175 ml glass of wine or 12 ounces of beer per week could affect the appearance of their future children.
A recent study proved that 55 percent of people who were involved in traffic accidents were drug or alcohol users before they happened.
The World Heart Federation issued a report early last year in which it confirmed that drinking alcohol regularly is not good for the heart, contrary to popular perception in the United States.

CNN quoted the head of the advocacy committee that issued the report, Beatrice Champagne, as saying: “At the World Heart Federation, we decided that it was necessary to talk about alcohol and the health harms caused by drinking it, in addition to the social and economic harm, because there is "There is an impression among people in general, even among health care professionals, that it is good for the heart."

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