Benefits of green pepper
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Cold green pepper is considered one of the most important types of vegetables that all women should eat and make it part of their daily routine, thanks to it containing all the beneficial nutrients for the body. It is eaten fresh, with salads, or even incorporated into many types of food due to its importance and containing antioxidants.
Regarding the benefits of cold green pepper, Dr. Cynthia Al-Hajj, a doctor in nutrition and nutrition science, told “Sayidaty Net” that it is distinguished by its green color and its various shades, and there are also some other colors such as red, yellow, orange and purple. The color that pepper takes is a result of its degree of maturity. For example, if pepper is harvested early, its color is green, and if it is left in its plant, its color changes from green to yellow, then orange and red. The doctor continues talking about the benefits of cold green pepper in the following topic:
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The most important benefits of green pepper for your health
Green chillies are a popular vegetable to keep in your kitchen because they are incredibly versatile and can be added to almost any savory dish.
Aside from the versatility of green pepper, the compounds found in it can provide a wide range of health benefits:
Cold green peppers contain a high percentage of iron, and also contain vitamin C, which stimulates the body to absorb iron, which prevents anemia. For example, the body absorbs iron when foods rich in vitamin C, including vegetables and fruits, are consumed. Therefore, doctors recommend eating foods rich in vitamin C for anemia patients.
It is recommended to eat green peppers raw, along with spinach and meat, which have the ability to increase and enhance the percentage of iron in the body, which prevents the chances of developing anemia.
Green pepper contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and makes it resistant to all immune diseases and infections that attack it.
Doctors advise all women to continue eating raw green peppers to strengthen the immune system and reduce flu symptoms.
Green peppers contain a high percentage of folic acid. This acid is necessary for the pregnant mother’s body to maintain her health and the health of the fetus, prevent birth defects, and provide proper nutrition to it. It is preferable for the pregnant mother to eat cold green pepper, but in moderate quantities, without excessive amounts, and under the supervision of a specialist doctor.
Green pepper contains antioxidants that work to strengthen eye health and enhance and protect vision, if consumed in large quantities on a daily basis. Therefore, cold green peppers have the ability to protect and preserve the retina against harmful oxidation processes.
The phytonutrient content in green chillies is very effective in treating rashes, blemishes, acne and other skin infections.
High blood pressure is a major threat to your health during pregnancy. Potassium helps keep blood pressure under control. Peppers are rich in potassium and can prevent high blood pressure and preeclampsia.
Cold green pepper and the nervous system
The nervous system emits transmission waves to the brain in order to alert all body systems to perform their functions optimally. Studies have proven that eating green pepper will enhance these psychological and mental abilities, cognitive skills, and others, thanks to it containing the vitamins and minerals necessary for the brain.
Cold green pepper and the digestive system
When a disorder occurs in the digestive system, it results in many problems such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and others. Therefore, doctors advise their patients to eat cold green peppers because they contain a high percentage of niacin, which is necessary for the health of the digestive system and which helps it absorb all the nutrients it needs efficiently.
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Cold green pepper and weight loss
Cold green peppers contain a high percentage of carbohydrates that are not stored in the body and are automatically converted into energy, which makes the body fit.
It contains a high percentage of fiber, which leads to a feeling of satiety and fullness of the stomach, in addition to the nutrients it provides the body. It gives you a lot of energy without gaining any additional calories.
Cold green peppers are low-calorie foods and loaded with good nutrients. All types of peppers are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber.
Green pepper is the best choice when following a healthy diet to lose excess weight. You can add it to many foods or eat it as a “snack.” Simple between meals during the day.
Capsaicin has been shown to boost metabolism and reduce appetite. Over time, this effect may give you an added advantage when it comes to losing weight.
Cold green pepper and skin health
Pepper is an important source of vitamin C, so it should be consumed abundantly and regularly to maintain healthy skin and significantly improve its appearance.
It contains a high percentage of beta-carotene, which is important for skin health. It also stimulates the production of skin collagen, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles in the skin, moisturizes it, and prevents the appearance of spots and skin pigmentation.
It protects against cancer because it contains many vitamins necessary to strengthen the body’s immunity and essential minerals to prevent malfunctions.
It contains antioxidants that fight free radicals, block their growth, and replace them with healthy cells for the body.
Regular consumption of green chilli juice is extremely beneficial in fighting all signs of aging and maintaining healthy skin.

Cold green pepper and hair health
It gives hair vitality because it contains high levels of silicon, which works to maintain hair health and make it more vibrant.
Cold green pepper is a natural stimulant for hair growth, as it increases hair growth due to its ability to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which contributes to hair growth and lengthening in the shortest period.
Cold green pepper treats the problem of hair breakage because it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which stimulates the body’s absorption of iron and the hair in particular. From here, the hair gets sufficient amounts of oxygen necessary to repair it and prevent breakage.
Green pepper treats dandruff, thanks to it containing sufficient vitamins and minerals necessary to strengthen the scalp and prevent the formation of bacteria and fungi in it.

Source: websites