Green hot pepper and its benefits for the health of the human body
Green hot pepper and its benefits for the health of the human body 1-----29
Today there are different types of peppers that have many benefits for the health of the human body. The peppers that we want to explain about and its benefits in this article are the hot green type and the sweet type. God's creation of fruits and vegetables is not devoid of wisdom. Green pepper is one of God's blessings that God uses and is harvested in the summer season. There are two types: hot green pepper and cold green pepper, and this type of vegetable contains many vitamins. In this article, we will learn more about the properties of green pepper. Characteristics of green pepper: The summer season is the time when the best fresh fruits and vegetables are available in the markets. This delicious vegetable is mainly used as food and sometimes burns the mouth, but in general this vegetable has many fans and also has many special properties. Types of pepper: The most important types of pepper are: 1) Red pepper. 2) Short ripe peppers (tomato-shaped). 3) Hot pepper, pepper (very large pepper). 4) Sweet pepper. 5) Italian rhubarb pepper. Therapeutic properties of green pepper: Green pepper supports and stimulates the cardiovascular system in several ways, which helps reduce atherosclerosis and blood pressure by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Capsicum is a long-acting topical pain reliever. Sweet pepper contains compounds such as vitamins A, C, solanine, calcium, iron, phosphorus and fatty substances, and it is also used to relieve migraine pain. Sweet pepper increases cholesterol excretion by releasing cholesterol, thus reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Studies have shown that people who consume pepper daily in their diet suffer from cardiovascular diseases much less than others. Due to its antibacterial properties, it can increase the resistance of affected areas in the stomach and intestines and treat infectious diarrhea, and is also used as an anti-hair loss agent. How to grow peppers: Store peppers under nylon in March in tropical regions and in April in temperate regions. When the plant has 4-6 leaves, move it to the main place already prepared for pepper properties. Of course, you can get your hands on this vegetable plant in early summer, plant it in a large pot or garden with room for roots to grow, and use the fruit a few hours later. The best way to grow pepper is the linear method according to the characteristics of pepper. For this purpose, they plant seedlings removed from the cabinet at intervals of 50-30 cm. In the summer, it must be watered once every 3-4 days, depending on the intensity or weakness of the temperature. It is best not to harvest the pepper until it is fully ripe, then pick the fruit and place it in the shade. To dry. The pods are then opened, the seeds are removed from the pods and stored in suitable containers for further cultivation.Green pepper and its benefits
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Now we learn more about the health benefits of green peppers, including the following: Protects against cancer: Studies indicate that a substance called capsaicin in green peppers helps fight prostate cancer. Sweet peppers are rich in antioxidants that help maintain the body's defenses against cancer and stabilize blood sugar levels. Because pepper regulates blood sugar levels, people with diabetes can easily add pepper to their diet. Digestive health: Peppers are rich in fiber, which helps keep the intestines clean and prevent constipation. Anti-inflammatory: Sweet pepper contains anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and swelling in patients suffering from diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Boosts immunity: Sweet peppers are a rich source of vitamin A, which helps protect against pathogens that attack the immune system by increasing healthy mucous membranes in the nose and lungs. Vitamin C: Sweet peppers are rich in vitamin C and even the amount of this vitamin is much higher than citrus fruits such as oranges. Vitamin C consumption is linked to strengthening the body’s immunity and protecting against free radicals, here I am. It is good to know that a medium-sized sweet pepper contains more than three times the daily requirement of vitamin C. Heart Health: Bell peppers contain nutritious minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron and magnesium. These minerals control heart rate and blood pressure and play an important role in heart health.Hot green pepper
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Hot green pepper
Today there are two types of green peppers: hot peppers and sweet peppers. Below we explain the difference between these two types of green peppers. The difference between sweet peppers and hot peppers: Hot peppers and hot peppers contain dietary fiber and water. Both contain vitamin C. It contains large amounts of antioxidants and carotene compounds. These carotenoid compounds are fat-soluble substances that cause a variety of colors from dark red and orange to green, purple and black. Of course, the pungent taste of some peppers is due to the alkaloids they contain, giving them a spicy, slightly bitter taste. Of course, chili peppers contain a lot of vitamin C and can be said to be the richest source of vitamin C. However, since it is not used much in Iranian cuisine, it is not considered an important food source to provide people with vitamin C. In general, all types of peppers help boost the body's metabolism. However, hot peppers greatly increase the energy of food and generate heat in the body, which ultimately leads to burning calories and losing weight. Excessive consumption of hot pepper does not cause side effects, but the Indians and residents of Far Asia, although they eat very spicy food, which we Iranians find unbearable. They don't get into trouble, but eating spicy food is not very common in our food culture. Many people's digestive system does not get used to such foods. Also, some people get heartburn from eating these foods. High blood pressure or increased heart rate. Also, eating hot pepper is recommended for everyone, especially those who suffer from digestive problems. Especially for those who suffer from hemorrhoids, it is not recommended at all as it will worsen the condition.
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Hot peppers are more effective: Hot and sweet peppers have many similar properties. Peppers contain large amounts of various antioxidants with anti-cancer properties and anti-cardiovascular and chronic diseases. Its anti-inflammatory properties are very high. Of course, all these properties are much better in hot peppers than in sweet peppers. The effect is more than bell pepper. The only problem with hot pepper is that some people are allergic to it and for all patients who have problems eating hot pepper, because in no case should this type of pepper be eaten. It is recommended to use all types of peppers and peppers of different colors. This pepper contains a variety of pigments, each of which has very beneficial antioxidant properties. It is also recommended to eat sweet peppers in different colors for all patients who cannot use hot peppers. There are many different types of chili peppers in the local market, the most widely used being paprika. There are different types of chili peppers, such as green chili peppers, yellow chili peppers, and red chili peppers. Bell peppers contain high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, antioxidants and fibre. Bell peppers originated in the United States and have since been produced and used around the world due to their many uses. Sweet pepper has a sweet and spicy taste and is used in all kinds of dishes, salads and pickles. Pepper is also used as a spice
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In the country of Iran, the city of Gopal is considered the center of green pepper production and the products produced in this city are of very high quality. For this reason, the price of pepper produced in Goibar Province is higher than in other parts of the country. There are many factors that affect the price of pepper, such as supply and demand, production volume, and cultivated area. If the balance of supply and demand in the local market collapses, the price of pepper will fluctuate, so if supply exceeds demand, the price of pepper will fall. Also, if annual production exceeds local market demand, pepper prices will decline. You can check pepper prices in person or online. With our range, you can ask an expert for wholesale pepper prices as soon as possible, and after checking, proceed with purchasing this product. To do this, first fill out the form on our website. Due to the versatility of pepper uses, there is always a demand to purchase this product in the local market, and the price of pepper varies according to its quality. The quality, aroma and taste of the product greatly affect the price of pepper, whether it is lower or higher. In addition, one of the factors that affect the price of green pepper is the quantity purchased, and as the quantity purchased increases, the price of green pepper decreases. Recently, high inflation has led to a rise in the prices of many commodities in the local market, which has also affected pepper prices. This product is available in the market in bottled and bagged form. Loose peppers cost less than packaged types. If you want to buy or sell this product, you can communicate directly with our experts through our website.

Source: websites