“School uniforms in Japan”...a fashion that changes with the times
“School uniforms in Japan”...a fashion that changes with the times 1----183
In the Japanese educational system, uniforms are enforced from middle school through high school, and they form an important part of school identity. Students' choice of school may be greatly influenced by the design and colors of the uniform, and they may choose the school that matches their fashion tastes. Recently, uniforms have begun to appear that resemble regular personal clothing, and this reflects changes in fashion trends and the desire of students to express themselves individually even in a school environment that imposes a uniform.
Japanese school uniform
Japanese school uniforms are an integral part of school traditions in Japan. School uniform is an important mark of distinction for students and forms part of the school identity. The costume is characterized by simplicity and elegant design, and reflects traditional Japanese culture.
Japanese school uniform for boys usually consists of a jacket with a Chinese collar and trousers. The design is characterized by calm colors such as black or navy blue, and is often worn in combination with an oval-shaped hat. In addition, students may carry their own school bag, sometimes designed in colors and designs that distinguish the school.
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Boys' School Uniform (Chinese Collar)
School uniforms are a recognized aspect of Japanese society, promoting belonging and inclusion in the group.
The Japanese sailor uniform is a traditional school uniform for girls. The sailor's uniform is distinguished by its distinctive wide naval collar in white, red or blue, which extends in a round shape around the neck. Complete the outfit with a short-sleeved shirt and mini skirt. The sailor uniform is part of the school identity and reflects Japanese traditions in the school community.
Japanese school uniform culture has been influenced by manga and anime, and the sailor uniform has become popular thanks to works of art such as the famous “Sailor Moon.” The sailor uniform is elegant and is used in many Japanese schools as a formal uniform or for special occasions.
As for the colors of the ribbon, this may vary from one school to another, and may carry specific colors that express the grade or special characteristic of the student.
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Like the jacket model.
School uniform and school choice
Developments in school uniform styles reflect social and cultural changes in Japanese society. The emergence of new styles of school uniforms, such as the jacket uniform, reflects a desire to give school uniforms a more elegant and diverse appearance, and may contribute to enhancing integration between boys and girls in external appearance.
It is noted that the use of gray and navy colors and checkered designs reflects a trend towards diversity and elegance in school uniform design. The jacket model appears to offer a shared choice between boys and girls, enhancing the opportunity for individual expression without being bound by traditional gender conventions.
These changes reflect the development of school culture in Japan and the growing interest in creating a school style that reflects the trends of the modern generation and enhances the sense of identity and belonging.
“School uniforms in Japan”...a fashion that changes with the times 1----184
School uniforms these days.
These changes in the design of school uniforms highlight the importance of aesthetics and elegance for students, as the external shape and general appearance of the uniform seem to play a vital role in attracting their attention and interest. The interest in designing school uniforms and choosing famous designers reflects the desire of schools to provide an educational environment that reflects cultural and artistic developments.
This interest in style and appearance also reflects a growing awareness of the importance of appearance in everyday life and how this can affect social and psychological interactions. This trend shows that students are focusing on their personal expression by wearing a school uniform that reflects their individual taste and preferences.
Fashion changes with the change of era
At all times, there are always young people who think about deviating from the norm and making changes to show their special personality.
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Shibuya in 2003, female high school students wearing loose socks (Photo via Jiji Press)
The evolution of fashion among students reflects changing tastes and cultural trends over the years. From the fashion of the eighties with short skirts and loose socks to the fashion of male students who were influenced by American rappers, all the way to the preference for pastel colors and thin models at the present time.
It appears that elegance and overall appearance are becoming more important to students, and they are moving towards slim figures and light, pastel-coloured clothing. These changes can be seen as a result of the influence of the media and popular culture on fashion trends, as well as the continued evolution of personal taste and individual expression in fashion choices.
These new fashion trends among students, where they tend to wear casual, uniform-like personal clothing, seem to indicate increased individuality and independence in fashion choices. These trends come in the context of many high schools or middle schools not implementing uniforms.
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Places that sell school uniforms
This phenomenon could be due to changes in fashion culture and the influence of media and social media platforms. It may also have a connection to young men's desire to express their personal identity through individual fashion choices.

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