China..discovery of rock drawings more than 3,000 years old
China..discovery of rock drawings more than 3,000 years old 1445
Chinese researchers have discovered rock drawings dating back 3,000 years. The discovered drawings show pictures of people and animals, as well as diagrams of two-wheeled vehicles and various other symbols.
According to the Chinese Xinhua News Agency, these drawings, which are about 3.2 thousand years old, were discovered in three sites in the Tongtian River Basin in Qinghai Province, northwest China.
In turn, the head of the research team, Jimyang Nima, commenting on this discovery, said that most of the rock drawings are simple drawings of animals. A beautiful painting of a wild yak (wild yak) was found, 18 cm high and 21 cm wide. This type of rock art is widespread in the regions. Middle of Tongtian River.
China..discovery of rock drawings more than 3,000 years old 1-944
Nima pointed out that the number of paintings discovered in this area is 59, including 36 paintings at an altitude of more than 3,800 metres.
The head of the research team stated that these paintings show drawings in the human form, as well as drawings of various animals, such as wild yaks, deer, wolves, tigers, sheep, dogs, horses, and camels.
Rock drawings are the artistic representations left by ancient man (the pre-writing stage) by engraving or tapping on rocks to draw human, animal, and other forms on them. The importance of these drawings lies in that they are considered a source of the history of humans and the place.
China..discovery of rock drawings more than 3,000 years old 1-945
I believe that these drawings began 40,000 years ago, but they are certainly a global phenomenon, as they are found in many places in the world whenever rocks, mountains, caves, and valleys are available, and Africa is the most numerous human outpost in rock drawings.

Source: websites