Coptic civilization
Coptic civilization 1-2929
Name: Al-Qabsi civilization (relative to the city of Gafsa, Tunisia, as the first and largest excavations of this civilization were carried out near this city)
History: The first civilization arose in North Africa, and it is a prehistoric civilization that appeared between 12,000 and 6,000 years BC, that is, at the end of the Paleolithic Age, the Mesolithic Age, and the Neolithic Age.
Extension: The interior regions of present-day North Africa, especially in Tunisia and extending to Algeria and Morocco, where traces of the human Mechta-Afalou extending back to the Qabsian civilization were found in the Tafogalt Cave, and in some areas of ancient Marj in Libya.
Language: Libyan or Qibsi has the same letters as the Amazigh letters and formed the first nucleus of the Amazigh language that we know today.
The people of this civilization, whether the Eastern Cape (Tunisia) or the Western Cape civilization (Algeria), did not know a place to settle since the migration of primitive man from Central Africa to the rest of the world’s regions other than North Africa. North Africa was their destination from the beginning and their settlement until now, and their names are many today. Among "Tunisians, Dziria, Morians, Libyans, Tuareg... amazighs."
Then Abu Hamdan Al-Qurashi comes to tell us about the Yemeni origins of the Mauritanians

Source: websites