The ancient Egyptian civilization.
The ancient Egyptian civilization. 2-29
The ancient Egyptians invented kohl in 3500 - 4000 BC, and Egyptian antiquities showed the eyes of the god Ra as amazingly defined... It was also used to decorate the eyes of kings by mixing “soot” with a mineral called galena, resulting in a black paste.
The eyes of some ancient Egyptians appeared decorated with green kohl, which is the result of mixing alabaster. The women of ancient Egypt believed that alabaster was given to them by the goddess Hathor, the goddess of love!!... with galena, and it also contains copper oxide, silicon, talc, almond peel powder, and the fat of some animals such as cows.
Kohl was used, such as wigs, by both sexes. The quality and quantity of kohl depended on social class, and the basis for wearing kohl was protection from evil spirits, enemies, and the sun. With continued use, they discovered that some eye diseases were cured because of kohl.
As for the word “soot,” it may be difficult for some to understand. Here are several of its meanings.
It is said.. Soot: which is the blackness of the pot
Soot: coal
Night of soot: black
A black day: a black day
It is called a type of disease that affects the leaves and branches of some plants, such as grapes and oranges, causing a black layer on them. It is also called black smoke and the resulting carbon deposits.

Source: websites