The universality of Egyptian civilization in the Ramesside era
The universality of Egyptian civilization in the Ramesside era 1-980
The greatest thing that the early Ramessides were able to do in supporting Egypt’s imperial influence in the ancient Near East - apart from their war campaigns and elaborate strategic planning - was the civilizational project they adopted to make Egyptian civilization a global civilization in the true sense. They were keen to melt all the tributaries. The cultural and civilizational influences coming from the Levant, the Mediterranean islands, and Nubia are in the crucible of Egyptian civilization in a profound, renewed and different way from those of their predecessors among the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty. This was clearly demonstrated in the great Ramesside temples in Nubia, which were built specifically to spread the beliefs and manifestations of Egyptian civilization. In Egyptian administrative and cultural centers In the land of Canaan, whose ruins were found in Beit Shean in the land of Palestine.
These great kings also worked to show their deep respect for the civilizations of the inhabitants of those regions, despite the majority of these nations being subject to the political and cultural influence of Egypt during that glorious and unique era in the history of ancient Egypt. It is no wonder that we find Ramesses II, the King of Kings, calling his beloved daughter “Bint of Anat.” “To make her the daughter of one of the great Syrian goddesses✍✍

Muhammad_Raafat_Abbas ✍

Source: websites