A wedding turns into a funeral: 40 civilians were killed in Massina during bombing operations by the Malian army.
A wedding turns into a funeral: 40 civilians were killed in Massina during bombing operations by the Malian army. 2-34
Informed local sources reported that 40 civilians were killed during criminal operations by the Malian army and Wagner in the Massina region.
The operations included bombing civilians and executing them in cold blood, bombing gatherings of civilians at weddings, and other extrajudicial violations that specifically target the Falan ethnicity in that region. The
Zallaqa Foundation quoted Local sources: “The Malian army massacred the people who were on their way to the market in the village of Dandougou in the state of Koulikoro, killing 16 civilians.”
A wedding turns into a funeral: 40 civilians were killed in Massina during bombing operations by the Malian army. 2--59
On Friday, February 16, 2024, a Malian army plane carried out an air strike on civilians who were at a wedding feast in the village of Konocasi. » Near the city of “Molodo” in Sékou State, it killed 14 defenseless innocents.
On February 17, 2024, the Malian army bombed another gathering of civilians in the same village while they were burying the dead at the wedding.
In another operation on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 AD, the Malian army and Wagner mercenaries carried out a hideous massacre against civilians in the village of Doula, near the city of Niono, killing 10 civilians, most of them children and an old woman. They announced as a result of this sinful raid that they had neutralized a number of mujahideen. “Including, according to their claim, the explosives official.”
The group to support Islam and Muslims denied the “false allegations.”
A wedding turns into a funeral: 40 civilians were killed in Massina during bombing operations by the Malian army. 2--60
The Malian army and Wagner mercenaries were targeting civilian villages, storming weekly markets, and killing many innocent people in Azawad and Massina after any attack targeting their camps.

Source: websites