King Ahmose 1575-1550
King Ahmose 1575-1550 1--1482
After that, he was the head of a new era, the era of the modern state, and the founder of a new dynasty, as Manetho mentioned to us, which is the 18th dynasty. Here, some are asking how do we make him the head of a new family, since he is the brother of Kamuzi and the son of Seven-Ra, who are from the 17th dynasty in the Manetho division? In fact, Maniton was logical in this. In fact, there was no change in the ruling family, but his era was truly distinct from the previous era and began a new page in
The history of the country: Ahmose completed the message of liberation from the Hyksos, the last hero in the War of Independence, and the founder of Egypt’s military glory. However, some scholars, such as Scharf, place Ahmose and his son Amenhotep I. Among the kings of the 17th dynasty, making Thutmose the founder of the 18th dynasty, even if this is rebuttable because Thutmose I was from the same family. Add to this that the Egyptians themselves, in the Ramesside coronation ceremonies, considered Ahmose to be the head of a new era. The priests carried in those ceremonies statues of three kings: King Menes, who unified Egypt, the first historical unit that paved the way for youth, Pharaonic Egypt, which is the era of the Old Kingdom, then the statue of Mentuhotep II, the unifier of Egypt, the second historical unit after the era of feudalism, decay, and chaos, then Ahsanine, who, as we know, expelled the Khesus and unified Egypt, the third historical unit. In fact, the Egyptians presented this The king was in appreciation for his works, and his worship was more important in Abydos than in Thebes.
The name Ahmose consists of two words - rayah, meaning moon, and miss, which is a verbal form meaning son of the moon from the verb born. At the same time, you find other names from this family that contain the word moon, such as Queen Rayahhotep, meaning the moon is satisfied, and she is the mother of King Ahmose, and then that name became widespread. In the days of this dynasty, he was Thutmose, and Thoth was a moon god as well.
These names are still the subject of discussion. Scientists are trying to identify the secret behind this, and the latest opinions say that the ruling family was originally with the Ashmunites, and Thoth, the moon god, is the idol of the Ashmunites. Archaeologically, the ruins of Ahmose were not revealed before the fifth year of his reign, which is the year in which he was born. Expulsion of the Hyksos
From Egypt, in that year he erected a large tablet in the temple of Amun in Karnak in which he glorified his mother, Iahhotep.

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