Amazis (Ahmose II)
 Amazis (Ahmose II) 1----245
One of the most beautiful stories that Herodotus tells about Amazis (Ahmose II), who became Pharaoh of Egypt in the year 569 BC, is that he chose an َAmazighe woman from Cyrene (a city founded by the Greeks in Libya) named “Ladiki” and married her, but she avoided sleeping with him for a while until he threatened her with a tragic end. Ladiki was afraid of this marriage, unstable, and that night she knew that if she did not surrender, she would be severely punished by Amazis, or Mazis, or Mazighs.. So she vowed to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, that if she bestowed protection upon her and granted her the love of this man, she would make a statue of her and place it. In the famous temple in Cyrene..
And so she did, and Mases loved her with great love.. so much so that on one occasion the king of Persians proposed to his daughter. It was the custom for kings to marry into each other’s families, so Mases feared that his daughter would turn into a mere slave or concubine in the court of the Persian king Cambyses.. so he sent Nettess instead of her. The daughter of Apris, who turned against him in a famous revolt. When she reached Cambyses, the son of Cyrus the Great, she told him the truth. He prepared a large army and raided Egypt, and a terrible war broke out in which Mazis died. I told this story briefly only to say that the statue that Ladecki made was stolen and placed in the British Museum. It is one of the best sculptures that imitate the goddess Aphrodite.
I am not sure that the attached picture is from the British Museum, but I saw many pictures and videos of this great museum in the Land of Fog. It contains thousands of rare sculptures that you cannot find anywhere else... but most of them were stolen from North Africa, during the colonial period, no. I know why we do not recover these antiques, whether from Italy, France, or Britain.. This strange destruction that passed through here and took everything that was beautiful.. Imagine in the Timgad Museum, what did France leave behind? She is the one who founded the museum. She left the statues but took their heads and their history. Why do we not get a visa to these countries, while at the same time they are withholding our history? But our treasures..

Source: websites