Ashurbanipal establishes his famous library
Ashurbanipal establishes his famous library 1--93
After the destruction of Elam, Ashurbanipal had no rival left to threaten the Assyrian Empire at that time. Although Egypt declared its independence, it was still imprinted with Assyrian culture.
After the stability of his empire, Ashurbanipal turned his attention to his old passion for science and literature, establishing his famous library, which included more than 30 thousand clay tablets, in Nineveh.
The library included the greatest works ever found, such as the Babylonian Creation Epic and the great epic tale of Gilgamesh. The original Mesopotamian story of the Great Flood, which predates the story in the Bible, was also found in the Library of Assyria.
Thus, historians considered the Nineveh Library, which was founded by Ashurbanipal, one of the largest libraries in history and one of the most important ancient monuments.
Ashurbanipal was not only interested in collecting manuscripts and famous books, but he was keen to obtain a copy of any work written in Mesopotamia.
The King of Assyria was proud of his library and considered it the greatest achievement of his reign. He wrote in one of the manuscripts he left behind:
“I, Ashurbanipal, king of the universe, to whom the gods have bestowed intelligence, who has acquired keen acumen, have collected these tablets in the library at Nineveh for the sake of my life and the well-being of my soul, and to preserve my royal name. My father Esarhaddon may have been able to preserve Egypt, but the knowledge that His collection by Ashurbanipal will be immortalized forever.”

Source: websites