The first haircut in history was from the land of Kemet....
The first haircut in history was from the land of Kemet.... 12---10
Who would believe that this is a drawing engraved on the wall?
Not an old photograph?
This wonderful inscription is from the coffin of Queen Kawit in the Egyptian Museum
Which depicts one of the maids styling Queen Kawit's hair.
Wife of King Mentuhotep II (Eleventh Dynasty) in his temple in Luxor
In the wonderful drawing, you can see the hairdresser using hair clips
To make the appropriate form, the Queen holds a mirror in her left hand and places her hand on a small pillow
The right hand holds the perfume
It is not as some interpret that she is holding a cup to drink from
The Egyptians used to make non-liquid perfume based on the phenomenon of sublimation
That is, they convert solid matter directly into gaseous matter and put it in bottles or jars
From the queen's grasp of the eyelid, it is definitely clear that the eyelid does not contain any liquid at all
It is an eyelid that contains perfume
Also, the wonderful Egyptian artist
If the queen was holding a dish containing drinking liquid, the drawing of the queen's mouth open would indicate the drinking process
The queen is wearing a wonderful, beautiful robe, and she is extremely delicate, feminine, with a slender figure and a wonderful feminine body.
And a glimpse of the art of etiquette that the ancient world had only seen in Egypt more than 2000 years BC
It was as if she was sitting in a hair salon in one of the major hotels
A wonderful artistic painting that gives an idea of the extent of luxury and progress in ancient Egypt
Advancement in the art of hairdressing Advancement in the art of etiquette Advancement in the art of fashion....
The most important thing is the art of expression and sculpture with the touch of a talented artist...from Egypt
Let the whole world stand in reverence for the greatest civilization
In the history of humanity, it was characterized by science, ethics, and humanity
A sophisticated civilization in which humanity is the pillar of thought and the foundation of civilization
A tribute to the great Egyptian ancestors from whom they derive their value
After they lost all value and all beauty, along with their identity and origins, they began to beg for Arab lineage
I like the accuracy of the painting
She shows tenderness and grace in the movement of the shaving hands, and in the queen’s hold of perfume.
More important than that is the distance that separates the maid and the queen
The grace and beauty of the bodies, especially the giant queen, and the clothes that fit the bodies, and it was clear that they were the fashion of the year

Source: websites