Signature of a partnership agreement between IRCAM and the King Fahd Higher School of Translation
Signature of a partnership agreement between IRCAM and the King Fahd Higher School of Translation 13-134
On Tuesday April 16, 2024, at the IRCAM headquarters in Rabat, the King Fahd Higher School of Translation and the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture jointly signed a partnership and cooperation agreement between the two institutions. This action is part of the context of the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution, aimed, in particular, at the effective integration of Amazigh in public institutions and in education and training. This agreement strengthens the cooperation links previously initiated between the two institutions. It constitutes a reference framework for working together to achieve common objectives.
Thus, the two parties agree to combine their respective efforts and means, for a consistent integration of Amazigh in the academic training structures at ESRFT, which will be put in place in the new configuration of the School's courses. The agreement also provides for the development of several methods of exchange and collaboration, in terms of joint publications, organization of scientific activities around translation into and into Amazigh, as well as the organization of internships and residencies for the benefit of the students of the School.
Signature of a partnership agreement between IRCAM and the King Fahd Higher School of Translation 13-135
The agreement was signed by Mr. Rector of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture Ahmed Boukous and Mr. Director of the King Fahd Higher School of Translation Mohamed Kharchich.

Source : websites