chawias break away from the Hafsid state
chawias break away from the Hafsid state 13-120
The chawias defeat the Hafsid state, in the year 1510 (16th century), and the Eurasians seize its lands between Constantine and Tunisia.
This is the main reason for the migration of the Aures from the heart of the Aures to the north of the Aures towards Souk Ahras, Sedrata, Guelma, Tamlouka, Ain Melilla, ....
Historical source: The book “Description of Africa” by Al-Hasan bin Muhammad Al-Wazzan, nicknamed Leon the African (died in 1554)
Leon the African lived through that period and wrote about the incident, and we will mention what he wrote below
A summary of what Leon Al-Afriqi wrote: The Eurasian chawias allied themselves under the leadership of Prince Nisr, the leader of the Hawara tribe, and defeated the Emir of Constantine, the son of the Tunisian Hafsid king, and seized and divided among themselves the vast lands left by the retreating Hafsid state.
Before that, we mention some sources that talked about the migration of Al-Arash from the heart of the Aures to the north towards the plains:
1. The French Colonel Delatregue mentioned in his book “Study of the Aures” in 1905 that the migration of the Ah Aziz throne from the Oued Abdi region to Ain Melilla began in the year 1532 and they left for good in the year 1574.
2. The French translator and writer Charles Verot (died in 1888) wrote and said about the throne of Salawa that they controlled vast lands that the Hafsid ruler had carved out for his allies.
As for Leon the African, he mentions the event in his book in two places. The first is when he talks about the “chawia” and describes them:
“They are free and very strong, and they speak the African language.... There is another group of them that occupies the Nahum region of Tunisia with the country of dates, (meaning the country of dates, Jerid and Zab)
They were so daring that they confronted the king of Tunisia, as happened several years ago. During this period, the son of the King of Tunisia went from Constantine to collect tax from them in their malls
He was attacked by their prince, who intercepted the king's son with two thousand knights (2000 knights). The king's son's forces were defeated, he was killed, and the caravan was plundered.
This happened in the year 915 AH. (1510 AD)
Following the defeat of the royal army, the name of this clan began to rise and it gained great fame among everyone......
Many tribes withdrew from the areas subject to the king and came to live alongside the victors, so much so that this prince became the most famous leader in Africa. "
In the second place in Leon's book Al-Ifriqiyyah, in which he describes the victory of Shawiya, he mentions the city of Tivash (the land of the Hanancha) in Souk Ahras.
He says :
“Tivish is a city built by Africans in the ancient era, fifty miles from Annaba towards the south. In the past, it was a safe city with a large population and decorated with luxurious buildings........
Finally, it remained in the possession of an African tribe who used it only to store their grain. This tribe is called Hawara....
Nowadays, it has a prince called Nisr.
After this prince gathered many knights, he began to fight for the benefit of his tribe until he had the courage to consolidate his position in the countryside.
He was the one who killed the Emir of Constantine, called Al-Nasser, the son of the King of Tunisia. .....These events occurred in the year 915 AH (1510 AD)
chawias break away from the Hafsid state Sans_177
It seems that the Eurasians allied themselves under the leadership of Emir Nasr, the leader of the Hawara Al-chawia (Hanancha) tribe, and defeated Emir Constantine, the son of the Tunisian Hafsid king, and seized and divided among themselves the vast lands left by the retreating Hafsid state.

Source: websites