State of the Comoros
State of the Comoros 1---726
Comoros is an island country located in the Indian Ocean, near the eastern coast of Africa between Madagascar and the Mozambique coast. Here is some basic information about Comoros:
The area of the Comoros Islands is 1,862 square kilometers (i.e. 863 square miles), so it is the third smallest African country in terms of area, and its population is estimated at 876,935 people. Thus, it is the sixth smallest African country in terms of population, even though it is one of the highest African countries in terms of population. In terms of population density, it is also the southernmost country in the League of Arab States. The name Comoros is derived from the Arabic word “qamar”.
1. **Capital**: Moroni.
2. **Official language**: Arabic, French, Comorian (Chikomor).
3. **Religion**: Islam is the main religion in the Comoros.
4. **Population**: About 850,000 people (2021 estimate).
5. **Political system**: Federal Republic.
6. **Currency**: Comorian franc (KMF).
7. **Economy**: The economy relies heavily on agriculture and fishing, with the production of vanilla, cloves, and ylang-ylang oil as major exports.

8. **Geographic location**: The country consists of three main islands: Grande Comore, Anjouan, and Moheli, and there is a fourth island, Mayotte, which is under French administration and is considered part of the Comoros.
The archipelago is characterized by cultural and historical diversity, as the nation consisted of a meeting place of many civilizations. Although French is the only official language on the contested island of Mayotte, the Comoros Union has three official languages: Comorian (Shqamar), Arabic, and French.
9. **History**: Comoros gained its independence from France on July 6, 1975.

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