State of Slovakia
State of Slovakia 1---712
?Did you know that Bratislava is the only capital in the world that has borders between two countries at the same time
Slovakia, a landlocked country located in central Europe surrounded by the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, and Austria.
Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, is located on the Danube River on the border with Hungary and Austria, and is 60 km away from Vienna, the capital of Austria.
The terrain of Slovakia includes the high Carpathian Mountains, called the Tatra Mountains, with sharp peaks and lakes in the north, the low Carpathian Mountains in the center, foothills in the west, and the Danube River basin in the south. About 80% of Slovakia is mountainous. The highest point is Gerlakhovsky Peak at 2655 metres.
Slovakia has more than 4,000 caves under its mountains, and is dotted with more than 300 well-preserved and reconstructed castles.

After World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated, and the Slovaks joined the Czechs to form Czechoslovakia. In 1993, during the peaceful "Velvet Divorce", Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two countries: Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Area: 49,035 km²
Population: 5.5 million
Language: Slovak
Currency: Euro.

Source: websites