!!Useful information about space
!!Useful information about space 1----268
-It takes years for light to reach us from distant objects, so we see what they looked like in the past. A star that is 5 light years away from us takes five years for its light to reach us.
_The gravity of black holes is so strong that even the speed of light is less than their escape speed, which makes them invisible (hence the name).
_The explosion of a supernova star close to the Earth could end life on it by destroying the ozone layer.
_The highest speed in the universe is the speed of light, and any matter exceeding it will turn into energy.
“Lunar seas” and “Martian seas” are metaphorical names, as there is no liquid water on the surface of these two objects. Rather, the lunar seas are volcanic plains, while the Martian seas are a purely visual effect.
_No evidence of any geological activity was discovered on Mercury.
_Gaseous planets are just balls of gas that do not have a solid surface.
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_The temperature on the planet Mercury ranges from +800°C (the temperature in some areas on the surface) to -300°C (the temperature in some deep craters where sunlight does not reach).
_Indications that there were rivers, lakes, and even an entire large ocean on Mars in the past have been discovered, but no clues have yet been discovered as to why all that water disappeared.
_Organic molecules were recently discovered in the Orion Nebula, which gives the possibility of life forming in it in the future.

Source: websites