?How are failed societies
?How are failed societies 1---188
?When the Russian writer Anton Chekhov was asked: What are failed societies like
He replied:
In failed societies, there are a thousand fools for every sound mind, and a thousand foolish words for every conscious word. The majority always remains foolish, and always has the upper hand over the sane person.
If you see trivial issues taking precedence in a society over conscious speech, and the trivial people take center stage, then you are talking about a very failed society.
For example, meaningless songs and words see millions of people dancing and repeating the words. The author of the song becomes famous, known and loved, and even people have an opinion about society and life.
As for the writers and authors, no one knows them and no one gives value or weight to them.
Most people are frivolous and love triviality and numbness.
Someone who numbs us to make us lose our minds and someone who makes us laugh with nonsense is better than someone who wakes us up to reality and hurts us by telling the truth.

Source: websites