Proverbs from human societies about women
Proverbs from human societies about women 1--359
Polish proverbs
We are not in Poland where women are stronger than men.
Satan swallowed the woman and could not digest her.
One woman in a city makes more noise than a hundred men.
Do not trust a sleeping dog, a Jew who swears an oath, a drunkard who prays, or a woman who cries.
Latin proverbs
Women either love or hate.
Wounded women are usually merciless.
Three curses are in the house: miserliness, an evil woman, and smoke.
Women are a necessary evil.
When a woman speaks out badly, at least she is honest.
When a woman thinks with her mind, she thinks about harm.
When a hag is shy, it becomes the favorite game of death.
German proverbs
The beautiful girl holds her dowry in her face.
A woman can do what Satan cannot.
A man without a woman is a head without a body, and a woman without a man is a body without a head.
Women are the devil of men.
Satan deceives one man in ten hours, and a woman deceives ten men in one hour.
A woman without a man, a garden without a fence.
Women carry their swords in their mouths.
Spanish proverbs
Three daughters and a mother, four devils for a father.
With the eyes a woman seeks, takes, hates, and kills.
It's absurd to watch a bad woman.
A woman is like your shadow. Follow her and she will flee, and run away from her and she will follow you.
Do not trust a silent woman, nor a dog that does not bark.
Women and glass are always in danger.
It is the nature of women to despise those who love them, and love those who hate them.
Dutch proverbs
With her apron, a woman can get out of the house more than a man can bring in with a cart of barley.
Women eat bitter melon.
When there is a good woman in the house, joy laughs out the window.
When women make bread and do laundry, the devil lurks in their bodies.
Chinese proverbs
Women are like rulers, they rarely find loyal friends.
A man can protect a woman from every man but himself.
A true woman is one who does not listen, does not see, or hears.
Hit the woman in the morning, and don't forget to hit her again in the middle of the day.
A woman is like a rug. Every time she hits it with a stick, it gets rid of the dust stuck to it and gets clean.
If two women meet, they will not have enough conversation, and if three women meet, they will not stop fighting.
How cheap are the tears of a woman and a crocodile?
If Satan fails to infiltrate a place, he will send the woman.
Irish proverbs
Only the pride of women and the pride of priests will destroy Ireland.
The most important necessities for a human being are three things: a cat, a chimney, and the mistress of the house.
Two people bring misfortune to the house: the pale woman and the screaming hen.
Where there is a cow you will find a woman, and where there is a woman you will find boredom.
Wherever you go, take a woman with you.
The woman defeats the devil.
A pig is less intelligent than a goat, but a woman is superior to everyone.
Ask the woman once and twice, and if she does not accept your point of view, be convinced by her point of view.
There is no excuse for a woman without a child.
The wind does not compete with a woman's mind when choosing between two men.
Women improve after abuse.
Where there are women, there is talk, and where there are geese, there are cuckoos.
Three types of men do not understand women: young men, old men, and old men.
Greek proverbs
Women's literature is her doctrine, not her gold.
Either you love a woman or you hate her.
Don't trust a woman even if she's dead.
Women either rule or serve.
There is nothing worse than a woman, even if she is the best of women.
Silence brings judgment for women.
Women should always stand next to women.
The best thing a man has is a good woman, and the worst thing he has is an evil woman.
A woman brings a man the greatest blessing and the greatest ruin.
Women by nature are usually spendthrift.
I write the woman's promises on the page of water.
English proverbs
Beware of the front of the woman, the back of the mule, and all parts of the priest.
Trust your dog all the way, and only trust a woman the first time

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