Princess Khutulun is the fiercest woman in history
Princess Khutulun is the fiercest woman in history 1-2997
She is the granddaughter of the Mongol Emperor Genghis Khan and the daughter of the Mongol Emperor Kaidu. Her name in the Mongolian language means (moonlight).
Historians described her as being tall, muscular, and having unnaturally strong physical abilities. She participated in the Mongol wars and was an accomplished fighter.
When her father, Emperor Kaido, wanted to marry her, she stipulated a condition for the marriage and her father agreed to it
She announced that any man from among the empire's sons was welcome to propose to her, but...
The one she marries must defeat her in a wrestling match, and if she defeats him, he will lose a hundred horses

This girl became the ambition of most of the men of the empire, but she defeated everyone who proposed to her.
Its total was ten thousand horses in its own stable and zero pairs.
But in the end, she fell in love with Prince Ghazan Khan, ruler of Persia, and married him without a wrestling match.

Source: websites